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Synscan pro app -minimise issue.

Look left

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On using Synscan pro in Windows 10 to operate a Synscan 3 pro mount all connected and working.

however when you minimise the app and maximise still works ok. However when you have the first screen open for the mount movement arrows on screen and you then open second window to align say on the Moon and you then minimise the app say to look at the image in Sharpcap you cannot maximise the app again. It just shows a title screen and the rest of the square is greyed out . It will not maximise so if you close it down and try and open again from the main app folder it won't open at all. So I have to delete the whole thing ,download a new Synscan folder and start again,which means entering all the long and lat etc. Naturally a pain in the backside.

any suggestions.

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can you check in task manager if there's any related processes running in the background. If so then kill those and try restarting the app. Not a user of this app as yet but have seen similar with CCTV and other apps under winwoes

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Cheers Dave I,lol look at that.

heres what happened this morning. Same again. Opened several apps Sharpcap,Stellarium Synscan app.

minimised them on same screen used Synscan app still minimised kept first screen open ,opened Star page then opened Solar to pick Moon to align on. Kept minimised then look at Sharpcap to simulate focusing go back into Synscan to move mount. Then minimise again so that it is docked on task bar go into Stellarium etc Then when you try and re open Synscan it shows the screen shots. It will not open on direction screen for Synscan. No matter what you do it will not reopen so as stated you have to delete everything that even means the original download asbthis will not open up again. So had to download everything again and rest everything.

Is it me or am I doing something wrong? Screen shots shows the app not opening up as the direction first screen only the blanked out app.




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Hint - dont minimise Synscan App just maximise Sharpcap Window (or other Window you want to see !) and then just Minimise any other Windows when you want to see Synscan Window - Its a stand alone app written , I beleive , in some windows gui called QT which IMHO is a bit "naff".  You are just bringing the Synscan Window  into foreground (and reverse into background) so you can see it. You can even use ALT plus TAB keys to sequence through the Windows.

Also try and right click on the minimised Synscan and click "restore" - cant remember if that works as well. But if you do the above you wont have too ! I thought this behaviour was just pre Win 10.

Also as the Synscan program is "stand alone" you dont not have to delete anything - its not installed in the normal Windows way.

Unless your Anti Virus,Anti Malware is getting in the way. Normally only does this the first time you try to run it!

You could also complain to the Synscan Dev team (email address on download site) they may have a fix!

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  • 1 year later...

I just started having the same problem - I think its a general windows problem. I worked through the list in this link below - for me click on icon, Alt- space then maximize worked.No idea why it suddenly started doing this. Did a virus scan - as suggested in this link - all was OK.  Hope this helps someone!


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  • 7 months later...

Hello, folks,

I believe that I've discovered the issue -- or at least "an issue".

The SynScan Pro Windows app maintains its window coordinates in a file named Settings.txt.  

Evidently some application gestures can result in "minimized app" type window coordinates being stored in that Settings.txt file.  If this is so and you attempt to open the app, it will simply stay in its minimized form.

This is a silly work-around, but I've created a text file in my SynScan Pro directory that contains reasonable coordinates for the app's window.  In situations were I get stuck into Minimized Window Hell, I shut down the app, edit the Settings.txt file to include those saved-off coordinates, and then I restart the app.

With this approach, you at least avoid the need to blow away the Settings.txt file, which also blows away your geographic coordinates. 

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