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IC410 - Tadpoles Nebula


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I have always looked at the tadpoles and thought was a lovely quirky object to capture, so with very little moon and reasonable clear nights, I captured this on the 29/11/19 and the 01/12/19.

I'm really quite pleased with it, all I have done is about 20 minutes of processing and that's it, working on the basis of less is more I thought I'd leave it at that and if one day my skills at processing improve, then I can always have another go.

This has simply been, SHO combination, ABE, SCNR (Green), Histogram and Curves stretch and that is it, it really had all the data there.

Here's the bumf: -

IC410 is a dusty emission nebula located in the constellation of Auriga at about 12.000 ly from Earth. It is part of a larger star forming region that also contains the Flaming Star Nebula. The gas structures in this picture are lit by the radiation from the open star cluster NGC1893 that lies in the center of the nebula. This star cluster is about 4 million years old, but in astronomical terms it is still very young, with hot, massive stars. At the top-left of the star cluster two more dense structures are visible. These are similar to the famous Pillar of Creation and they are composed of dust and gas leftover from the formation of the star cluster and are very likely to give birth to more stars in the future. As can be seen in the picture, these structures point away from the center of the nebula. This is because of the stellar winds and radiation pressure from the stars in NGC 1893. Due to these structure's shape, the nebula is also called the Tadpoles Nebula.

Images of the star cluster by the Chandra X-ray Observatory suggest that it contains approximately 4600 young stellar objects.

11 x 1200s Ha

11 x 1200s OIII

11 x 1200s SII

Altair/GSO 10" F7.9 Truss RC
iOptron 120 EC Mount
Moravian G2-8300 MkII
Lodestar X2 Guiding
Captured with SGP & PHD2
Processed in Pixinsight


Link to more info: - https://www.astrobin.com/1815a5/0/

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2 hours ago, MartinB said:

Those tadpoles really stand out.  Not quite sure how you did that but I like it!

Thanks Martin, much appreciate your comments.

I was lucky, the data was really good, didn't use any masks, just a real simple process in PI, Bortle 5 skies, 19.54 SQM

Just a lucky capture from my garden where the neighbours security lights never came on!

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