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What a chump am I!

Alan White

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I went with chums to our darker observing site.
4 of us from CPAC (Castle Point Astronomy Club) had cabin fever and needed starlight,
so I arranged access to the site and we all had a fine time.

All prepared at home for the start of my 4" Refractor v 6" Reflector series I have promised to do.
Mount all set up for dual scope use and brackets altered so they could both be used.

Off to dark site with all* the kit and setting up talking to a fellow member when ......where is my diagonal*?
After a full search of the car realisation struck.........
Darn it, it's on the Dining Room Table where I put it as a got loaded up

So I was down to the OOUK OD150 f5, no harm in that t all.
Reset the tripod and mount to seated only height and had a great evening.

Walked between my 150 and a fellow OD250 set up.
We used comparable Televue EP and looked at the same targets.
I can report that the 150 held its head high and was punching well for it's size.
Fellow observer commented, you could live with one of those couldn't you.

I had one of the best if not the best view of the Orion Nebula, it was outstandingly detailed,the trapezium was great,
E star was observed and with averted imagination I am sure I saw the F star as well.
The seeing went to pants just after this, so it could not be confirmed by others sadly.

So watch this space and I may just get both scopes out together with all the right bits and start.
But as for my memory, well as per the thread title.....   What a chump am I!

Edited by Alan White
typos of course
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I always leave something behind! One time it was weights, before that it was my steps, left coma corrector at home last night, but can easily live without that for visual. Left a hammer and nice adjustable spanner at one site, now I spend a few minutes with a torch scanning the ground before I leave a site now. Still sounds like you had a great evening! 

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