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PrimaLuceLab’s Eagle Core

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi all,

Has anyone had any luck getting the mount control to work? I am using the following:

  • SkySafari Pro 6 running on an Android 11 phone
  • Eagle Core (2.10) 
  • Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro (4.39.19)

SkySafari is unable to connect and displays a 'Check your IP Address...' warning.


I have contacted PLL regarding this issue but the only response I have had is:


"in order to control SkyWatcher mounts with SkySafari (through EAGLE CORE), you have to connect the USB cable (handpad-to-EAGLECORE) before you turn on the EAGLE CORE and not after."


I have tried all combinations I can think of with regards to what to power on first etc.




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Hi AidyM and thanks for your post. I hope someone using the Eagle Core can assist you with your mount control issue. 

The subtleties of wi-fi control can tax even a saint and I can only sympathise when you really want help. I take it you have full working mount control using the hand controller but want to extend mount control over wi-fi using the Eagle Core?

I realise advances have occurred with wi-fi control with the Eagle Core since the procedure set out in the printed manual (page 110 onwards) supplied with the unit as at one time you needed a SkyFi III connected to the SW Synscan hand controller. I do hope someone who has achieved control this way can walk you through the process.

I see Filippo demonstrates the connection process in this video when v2.5 was released in the past.





Edited by SteveNickolls
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your reply. I've had further contact with PLL but I still cannot get SkySafari to connect.

In case anyone else is having a similar issue, this is the reply from PLL regarding a start-up procedure when powering the mount via the Eagle Core:


The EAGLE CORE software has to start after the mount is powered and aligned. In order to make this, if you power the mount with the EAGLE CORE, this is what I suggest you to do:

1) connect power to the EAGLE CORE, this will power your mount too
2) align your mount
3) press the RESET button on the EAGLE CORE chassis to restart the EAGLE CORE software without removing power from the mount
4) connect to EAGLE CORE WiFi and launch the EAGLE CORE app
5) launch SkySafari

I have also tried powering the mount independently (not via the Eagle Core), but still have the same issue.

Out of curiosity, I ran a port scan against the Eagle Core and it doesn't appear to be opening port 4040 which is the port specified by PLL for SkySafari to connect over!




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Hi Adrian, thanks for your post. I'm sorry you are having no joy getting to control your equipment using Sky Safari expecially when it's meant to work. Unfortunately I am not able to help over the intricasies of wi-fi control and have never used Sky Safari. 

Have you been able to control your HEQ5 Pro directly with SkySafari (over USB cable) and without involving the Eagle Core unit at all just to check it does control your mount that way?

37 minutes ago, AidyM said:

Out of curiosity, I ran a port scan against the Eagle Core and it doesn't appear to be opening port 4040 which is the port specified by PLL for SkySafari to connect over!


Might your firewall software be preventing access to this port? Perhaps try once disabling your firewall to test? You can enable ports to be open for certain software.


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  • 8 months later...

It's been a while since I last posted on here but today I noticed that PLL did produce an update to the software for the Eagle Core, v2.11 back in late Ocotober 2021. This latest version provides-

1) Added support to Canon EOS 6D Mark II

2) Added support to Canon EOS 90D

3) Added support to Nikon D780

4) Added support to Nikon D800

The download is avaialble from here- https://www.primalucelab.com/info/downloads.html

Given the time that has elapsed since last activity on this thread are others still using the Eagle Core for imaging? My own journey has taken me to narrowband imaging with an ASI533MM-Pro and while the wider range of PLL Eagle products still appeals to me they are expensive. I have purchased a StarTech 4 port USB over Ethernet product to provide the control across the length of the garden such that I can sit controlling imaging from the comfort of the living room. A new mount, an iOptron GEM28 brings ASCOM meaning I can perform plate solving and pulse guide using PHD2 while having imaging controlled with Sharpcap Pro. I still have my Eagle Core and Canon DSLR's and if I had enough clear nights here in the UK I would from time to time use the Eagle Core for imaging, my enthusiasm remains for the product.



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  • 1 year later...

Long live the Eagle (Core)!

I notice that PrimaLuceLabs no longer advertise the Eagle Core product on their own website though the software can be found here-https://www.primalucelab.com/info/downloads.html

Some remaining examples of the Eagle Core are still available on certain online astronomy retailer sites and eBay but I feel the toll of successive waves of ASiair versions able to support DSLR’s has finally ‘done for it’. Certainly there has never been a time when so many different control solutions for astro-photography are now ‘out there’ an the onward march of technology contianlly moves ever onwards. The Eagle Core units will still provide useful life for imaging in the future with supported DSLR’s and still great for people entering the hobby in a relatively low cost way.

Looking back I consider the structural element of the Eagle Core, as with the newer Eagle series models, was underappreciated but was a valuable attribute of the product and still not really shared with other computer solutions.

I always found the Eagle Core to work well but for me it’s primary selling point of controlling a DSLR finally lost much of its hold on migrating to a dedicated astro-camera having the benefits of much lower read noise, higher quantum efficiency and Tec cooling over my  modified Canon 700D. I still have the Canon 700D DSLR in my collection and intend to hold on to it and the Eagle Core as a legacy of the past and the many good times had imaging under starry skies.

Long live the Eagle (Core).


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  • 2 weeks later...


Did you many to get a guide camera solution?

I notice you mention the ASI120mm mini is not supported, I can't find a bog standard ASI120MM anywhere, the Starlight Xpress Lodestar & QHYSL-II are more than what I paid for the Eagle Core.



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Thanks, I wasn't sure if the mm-s was compatible, didn't want to shell out that money and be disappointed I couldn't use it.

These units are almost being given away now the are discontinued, I suspect a few people will take advantage of the low price.

And then be surprised the compatible cameras cost more than the Eagle Core.

I manged to find an older Canon 20D 8Meg camera. If your trying to astrophotography on a budget, it's a good starter.

I see a few on ebay maybe I can get a deal.



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Hi Phil, yes the mini has never worked with the Eagle Core just the USB 3.0 version of the camera and as you now say the camera cost exceeds that of the Eagle Core. 😯

The Eagle Core should work fine for what you want and I noticed PLL do have a repository of software for the device on their site.

Hope once you have a suitable camera to try with it that you get some good images.



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