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Western Veil (Witches Broom)


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Bicolor images usually give me trouble--and this is no exception.  I probably could use more OIII data, and much of the Ha was captured during a full Moon, but its not too bad.  The thing that bothers me the most are the white, usatutaed areas.  I always get these when I shoot the Veil and don't know what they are or how to fix them.  I suspect they would be areas colored by the use of the SII filter, or RGB filters, but I could be wrong.  In any case--time for the Veil is slipping away for me very quickly--it hits the trees at 10:30.  If I need more data, it will have to be collected in teh next couple of weeks.  I have numerous version of the image--from bright to not so bright.  The tendency was to try and capture every spec of nebula--but I think it was a bit glaring.  So I am posting a slightly toned down version--not quite a bright.    Everything is there--just not as "in your face" as the original.  Maybe still too bright?  I dont want to lose the bits in the periphery. I must say, as Carole mentioned...the OIII is strong!--way brigter than the Ha for me (the Moon may have had something to do with this....hrd to say).

TOA 130 with ASI 1600

Ha: 113 300 sec

OIII: 747300 sec.





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1 hour ago, Laurin Dave said:

Nice one Rodd..  I’d guess that the white bits are where it’s saturated..  have you measured the levels there? As they say the Oiii is very strong here


Thanks Dave. I didn’t think of that.  But those areas are not visible in linear state before stretch as is usually the case with overexposure.  

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1 hour ago, ramdom said:

It's a beautiful image.

If you did an HOO image, the white bits are due to the strong signal in all three channels  = RGB = white. You see it in the SHO images also.


Thanks--I did not know this.  I will have to give this some thought.  Meamwhile, I tried bining the data 2x2 in software.  Here is the image.  I like it better--though not sure its due to the binning....I processed a bit differently.



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Just in case someone is following-I have made some modifications.  I kept the brightness of the core, but lifted the outer regions just a bit while sharpening the core just a tad.  I am calling this the final image.  This actually was a reprocess and I used deconvolution in linear state to eek out the fine details.  Image is still binned.  At some point I would like to try it unbinned.  may need more data for that.







Edited by Rodd
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