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Having bought a new portable imaging rig based around an ASIAir, I decided to revamp the wiring and software in my observatory.  I now have a Raspberry Pi at the mount connected into my home network and connected to the mount  via USB using a HitecAstro Eqdir.  Using KStars on my obsy Windows 10 PC, I can control the mount via the RPI, so the Eqdir cable seems to be OK.

When I bought the mobile rig, I bought a Polemaster so I thought while I was at it, I might as well polar align the obsy mount.  It is awkward to see the monitor from the mount, so I used a Windows 10 laptop.  I disconnected the Eqdir from the RPi and plugged it and the Polemaster into the laptop.  I tried to connect to the mount using Cartes du Ciel but couldn't.  The Eqmod interface (or something) flashes on and then immediately off.  I tried using EQASCOM_Run, that does the same but does so continuously and has to be killed (Kill EQASCOM doesn't stop it).

Eventually I gave up and connected to the mount via RPi and used that to do the slewing part of the Polemaster routine, which worked fine.

While trying to get the laptop to connect to the mount, I checked the port to which the PL2303 HitecAstro was assigned and made sure it was correctly set in EQASCOM and I also replaced the driver.  I couldn't think of anything else to try.

The only other thing I noticed was that clicking on the Find button in the EQASCOM set up could not find a port.

I'm pretty sure the laptop is the problem but I don't know where.  I have the latest ASCOM, EQASCOM and CduC.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I've been using EQMOD for years so I am quite embarrassed to ask.



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35 minutes ago, MikeP said:

The Eqmod interface (or something) flashes on and then immediately off.  I tried using EQASCOM_Run, that does the same but does so continuously and has to be killed (Kill EQASCOM doesn't stop it).

Hi,  this happens usually when the program can't connect to the port. Open the toolbox and try running the diagnostic to see if itis sending data(remember to choose the right port because it starts with com1 selected).  

41 minutes ago, MikeP said:

The only other thing I noticed was that clicking on the Find button in the EQASCOM set up could not find a port.

You don't need to click on the find button, just select the right port and click ok. 

Can you  post screenshots of both eqascom setup and the device manager, it may help us swe if there is anything wrong. 

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Hi Atreta. 

I took your advice and tried the Toolbox.  It gave a message indicating it could not find the port - at least that was consistent.  I went back to the Device Manager and looked at the properties for the port and found an error code of 10 - that was not showing yesterday.  Following HitecAstro's instructions, I uninstalled and deleted the driver and reinstalled.  Error code went away but still with the same results in Toolbox. 

More out of hope than expectation, I uninstalled the driver in port properties and then click install driver.  I expected a dialogue asking where to get the driver from but it just installed.  Result - success in Toolbox.

I restarted the laptop, started CduC, connected to the mount and happily slewed back and forth.  I have no idea where Windows got the driver from or why the Hitecastro one worked then didn't work but all OK now.

Thank you for taking the trouble to respond.


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Hi Bottletopburly,

My cable is quite old and has the blue bit on the RJ45(?) end that plugs into the mount. 

You will see from my post above that normal service has been resumed but I'm going to follow you lead (no pun intended) and buy a Lynx replacement.  Windows updates mean I can't easily isolate my computers from potential harmful effects but a more modern cable / driver is a small price to pay for hopefully reducing the probability of future problems.

Thanks for replying. 


PS Don't suppose you'd care to explain your user name would you? 😀

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I've never been able to connect my EQ6-R mount through EQASCOM as it never recognized the COM port. ?!

However, the SynScanPro app manages to connect to the mount and it provides all the functionality I need. I can drive the mount via the app interface as I can with the handset and I can connect with every other program through it, PHD included.

You can give it a try, maybe it's even enough.

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2 hours ago, MikeP said:

PS Don't suppose you'd care to explain your user name would you? 😀

When my lad was little we used to watch bottletopbill and his best friend corky on ch5  , my nickname was burly so my online nick name became  bottletopburly  

you’ll find the lynx cable a lot more rugged build 👍




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3 hours ago, MikeP said:

Hi Atreta. 

I took your advice and tried the Toolbox.  It gave a message indicating it could not find the port - at least that was consistent.  I went back to the Device Manager and looked at the properties for the port and found an error code of 10 - that was not showing yesterday.  Following HitecAstro's instructions, I uninstalled and deleted the driver and reinstalled.  Error code went away but still with the same results in Toolbox. 

More out of hope than expectation, I uninstalled the driver in port properties and then click install driver.  I expected a dialogue asking where to get the driver from but it just installed.  Result - success in Toolbox.

I restarted the laptop, started CduC, connected to the mount and happily slewed back and forth.  I have no idea where Windows got the driver from or why the Hitecastro one worked then didn't work but all OK now.

Thank you for taking the trouble to respond.


Glad you got it working again :)

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