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I intended to look at a few in Draco then Ursa Major but was scuppered by the roof of the house.

16/17 Draco (SAO 0300 12/13) Lovely triple here All white stars a pair of kissing stars with a wide companion at X184

Mu μ Draco (SAO 0302 39) Haas says easy split in 60mm scope if I was looking at these I am fairly sure I was I had to use x184 to properly split these twin white stars.

Σ 2180 Draco (SAO 0304 13) Tiny twins white and a cream X184 here.

Nu ν Draco (SAO 0304 50) Brilliant twins (Dragons Eyes) white/Yellow stars.

Now I had a list of 12 Uma stars some where below the roof and a couple I had copied the SAO numbers down wrong or the SAO numbers printed where wrong either way I will try again using co-ordinates next time, here are the ones I got.

23 Uma (SAO 0149 08) Giant white star with small wide green companion.

Σ 1415 (SAO 0070 99) Nice combination of a yellow/white star and a wide white companion not very much else in the FOV.

Σ 1495 (SAO 0278 61) Lovely colours here Orange/Yellow  with Pinky/white lovely.

Σ 1831 ( 0290 74) This is a lovely arc of three stars with a close double of the end star x184 split this . Stars where white, yellow and the double where red and blue  seeing wasn't that good a bit watery so the double colours may be wrong they were wobbling at that mag.

That was it for the doubles so I just had a go at a couple of favourites NGC 457 sparkling NGC 7662 (Blue Snowball) this was lovely used my 11mm televue plossl looked superb the  Uranus lovely disc and Neptune in the FOV there was only 3 points as it wasn`t in the middle the two at the top of the FOV where nearly the same size so I guessed that it was the one closer to the middle I really should of put more mag on but it did look like a disc so I was happy with that.

Packed up came in nearly 3 hours if I had known about the Uma stars before I would of extended my Draco list.

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