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Scope & Mount sorted, what next?


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So I've got my scope and mount sorted, along with a t ring and adapter. Now I'm waiting for the time to get out and use them but where should I kick off? The moon seems an obvious target to begin with, any other ideas for a novice? 

Also any thing else that would help me to start with? Or stuff to read up on while the weather isn't great?



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The T-ring and adapter suggests that you will want to try some photographing? Regardless of what mount and scope you have, the moon is always a wonderful target. It's also good target to familiarize yourself with the controls of the telescopes field of view (what is up/down/left/right).

If you will want to try your hand at some deep sky objects, I'd suggest M42/M43 the Orion nebula. It's the biggest and brightest nebula out there. But I haven't checked if it's 'up' at a reasonable hour at your location. M13 The Hercules cluster is also and awe inspiring target.

As for reading, I second Wiggy's suggestion of getting a hold of 'Every photon counts'. It covers all the bases of astro photography, but without getting to nerdy. 

Orion Nebula (M42) with a DSLR, Start to Finish is an absolutely fantastic Youtube video. It's very long (over two hours). So it's propably something you can bookmark and come back to when you feel like it. The reason I like this video is because not only is it very thorough, he uses minimalistic equipment that a 'newbie' is likely to have access to. You can find a lot of videos where people showcase their very fine and VERY expensive gear. Something only the rich or the very serious amateur will be able to afford. So I like the minimalistic approach. Because the fundamental principals are exactly the same. Regardless of your equipment. It's pretty much a 'walkthrough' on how to photograph the Orion Nebula. 

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