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Uranus, real stains or stacking artifacts?


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Photo that made me curious, I am wondering if using color camera with only one wavelength and without defeating long minutes can appear so many details of albedo.
There were only 3400 stacked frames out of a total of 17,000 captured over 120 sec.
If possible I am open to the opinion of colleagues who are really stains or artifacts caused by processing.

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...pretty clear that you have picked up the N. Polar brightening Avani, along with the darker NTe/Tr regions: the "blotchy" lighter spots further to the left side of your image could well be the lighter Eq. band which is becoming difficult to resolve as well as even see as Uranus tilts more...the Eq will be invisible by 2024 & by 2029 we'll be looking down almost right onto the N.Pole..! (perhaps not "we" because I don't want to look that far ahead with any certainty - I'm 70 in a few weeks time! :lol: )

But a good effort! :)

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7 hours ago, Kokatha man said:

... bem claro que você pegou o Avani de iluminação polar N., juntamente com as regiões mais escuras de NTe / Tr: os pontos mais "manchados" mais à esquerda do lado esquerdo da imagem poderiam muito bem ser a Eq mais clara. banda que está se tornando difícil de resolver, e até vê Urano inclinar mais ... o Eq estará invisível em 2024 e em 2029 estaremos olhando quase direto para o Polo Norte! (talvez não "nós" porque não quero olhar tão à frente com certeza - tenho 70 anos dentro de algumas semanas! :ri muito: )

Mas um bom esforço! :)

Only 70 years old friend Daryl !!!
You are still a young man.
I already have my 60s and I still hope to be able to continue making my photos for another 20 or maybe 30 God willing.
My sadness is that as Uranus in the coming decades will descend further and further north never in this life will I have him at good altitude to photograph. We planetarists know the importance for a good picture of a planet at a good altitude.
We could only live in a spectacular seeing place.

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Excellent image, Avani.

I assume the north pole points to the right. If so, the northern hemisphere must really be brighter than the southern. That is pretty obvious from your image.

The albedo features in the southern hemisphere seem to be an artefact from the processing because they do not show in your second, less processed version. I would expect to see at least some of these features shine through.

Still, if I tonemap your second version to the extreme, I get this
which makes it difficult to decide either way.

Thanks for the image. It is wonderful as always.

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