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Stop SGP aborting subs??

Skipper Billy

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Last night I was taking 1800sec Ha subs in between the clouds.

Whenever PHD2 lost its guide star and the dreaded flashing red screen popped up SGP aborted the sub and the run!

It did this twice and both times within 2 mins of the end of the sub!

I cannot see a way to make SGP carry on even if PHD2 loses the guide star.

Any suggestions??

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Which version are you running ?  as the beta (232) only allows a recovery every x minutes for xx minutes period of time, which sometimes throws SGP into a tailspin doing all sorts of weird things like immediately trying to take an image without first checking its on target & guiding is ok !!

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15 hours ago, Skipper Billy said:

Thanks Julian

From memory its 2XX.XXX - its quite old as I couldnt see a benefit to upgrade to 3xx.xxx

Maybe I will have to get my hand in my pocket!


I hear that v4 is due to launch in beta in the coming months, maybe worth holding off for a while.

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3 hours ago, Starflyer said:

I hear that v4 is due to launch in beta in the coming months, maybe worth holding off for a while.

I'm not sure about that as the Devs are busy rolling out test updates to 3.1, which is currently on v245......

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I feel your pain...

It is ridiculously frustrating to have an 1800s narrowband sub aborted at 1700s just because PHD2 lost the guide star for about ten seconds. I always console myself with the fact that if it is cloudy enough for my Lodestar X2 to lose the guide star, I would have been collecting sub standard data in that sub, so it is improving the quality of my final image by aborting the exposure. [My therapist is very good!]

Definitely need to have the sequence recovery option active in SGP to at least get things going again. I'm not sure of any way of altering how long the guide star can be lost for before the exposure is aborted. One for the SGP forum methinks.

With regards to version updates of SGP, they are working on introducing some of the v4 functionality through v3 betas. The current beta (v3.1.0.242) is really quite stable and has fixed loads of issues. I can't even remember v2 it is that long ago, but would have no qualms in recommending v3 (my favourite feature is restarting a sequence when it is Safe after Unsafe has aborted it - love it, fire and forget while I sleep is ever more possible!). v4 is probably quite some time off, but they are very reasonable at offering good upgrade terms when you purchase a version that has a major upgrade soon after the purchase.

Interested to hear of any control over PHD2 star lost parameters that you may discover.

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