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Guiding Star Simulator


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Is anyone aware of a guiding star simulator that lets me play around with guiding without access to the sky, i.e. cloudy, daytime, cold.. ;) ?

An app that moves a bunch of pixels with specified speed and curvature? I stumbled over Star Guiding Emulator, but cannot get it to accept any changes to its settings. Without proper screen size/resolution, simulation won't work properly. I only can get the simulated star to move straight across the screen.

I probably could set up one mount for the purpose, while examining the other, but then I wouldn't know what effect(s) to attribut to which mount.

Any ideas?



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Well, something's not right. The Software says, the manual that was packaged with the programm says 1.1. And it gives a procedure that I can not follow as buttons appear to be missing (e.g. the show button). Maybe they mixed up versions.

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