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Meade LX10 + Canon 450D + ??? for imaging


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So, a Meade LX10 has been donated to me, minus the hand control. The motor also doesn't appear to be working but it's giving some nice imaging with the manual controls.

But, I have a Canon 450D that's not seeing a lot of use at the minute and I'm wondering about what I need to get the two working together to drag some images out of the back end of this old boy.

I'll need some software to manage the images but I'm running MX Linux here so that's probably going to limit what I can use.

Currently have Darktable, Digikam, Gimp and installed.

I'm guessing an adaptor of some variety between the two but not sure which one/s I would need.



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I also have a venerable LX10 and the Canon 450.  I love this scope and I must say I'm basically a visual observer, so my imaging experience with the his set up has not been the best. Mainly I think due to the periodic error in the drive and the lack of a hand control to correct it by guiding. The accurate polar aligning is also an important factor difficult to achieve if, as in my case, the scope is not permanently mounted. But do persevere!

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These two things will connect your camera to the scope.

You can use the Canon utilities to capture, it works with Mac not sure about Linux.




Edited by Davey-T
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Excellent, Thanks for the advice everyone.

I've found that I can also use Entangle and Darktable to control the camera via USB

I'll have to do some more research into how to control the scope which is more than likely going to involve taking it out of it's current forks.

That's a job for for another day though I reckon.

Looking forward to upcoming dark skies

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