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eyepieces for fast scope

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I have read variously that "fast" scopes are more "demanding" on e/ps than slower scopes. My scope is a 250px dob, F4.8. The e/ps I use most are a meade 4000 32mm and a Burgess Optical 8mm orthoscopic - they seem to work ok but I don't really have anything to compare with. In working out what e/ps will work well with my scope, are there any principles that apply generally or is it just a question of trying different ones (and listening to other people's experiences)? Can anyone recommend e/ps for a fast newt, say in the ranges 25-32mm, 12-15mm and 6-8mm? Also, is there any reason not to use a Barlow in a fast newt?

Many thanks


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Hello Dan,

I have an 8" f4.5 Orion Optics Newt in which I've used Meade (series 4000) eyepieces, and like yours, they have performed OK. I've also used some Celestron Orthoscopics, 14mm, 18mm and again, they seem to work fine. I've also used a pair of binoviewers - with two GSO 26mm Plossls, which have performed admirably. I've used my Celestron Ultima 2x Barlow and this has worked fine too. I've used a Vixen NLV 10mm too, and that has been OK. The only eyepiece which hasn't worked so well, is the Vixen NPL 5mm Lanthanum. I've found this one a bit critical on the focus, so much so as to make viewing a bit uncomfatble (because it's so difficult to achieve a sharp focus).

With all the eyepieces used, I've experienced some "coma" with the stars at the outer edge of the field of view becoming elongated.

I have some "Kellner" eyepieces to test on the scope, but to tell you the truth, as I've only had the scope sice September, and the weather's been that bad, it means that I've only been able to use the scope for very short periods of time. I'm hoping that next summer will be a lot better (that's tempting fate!), so I can do a lot more experimenting and testing with the Orion (and my Intes MK-66 Mak).

Howevr, I'm sure others will give lots more advice - and will recommend certain eyepieces.

Best wishes,


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I too have a fast Newtonian - f4.9.

I've always used the 2x Tal Barlow with it and not had any problems.

I only really use Plossl and Super Plossl EPs, although all that is about to change with some recent acquisitions - some nice orthos coming my way :hello1: . I'll let you know how I get on with them.

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thanks Philsail1 - like you, I find that most e/ps are ok - so what difference would a really good e/p make? Would it be "WOW" or would it be "why did I spend all that cash? :scratch:

Thats the big question - is the extra price worth the difference in the quality of the view ?. I've spent a lot on eyepieces recently and now have a set of 7 Naglers and a set of Orthos to compliment them - that investment is worth about twice the value of both my scopes. Incidentally all the orthos cost the same as one of the Naglers :D

My experience is that there is a noticable difference between the "average joe" type eyepiece (like the ones you get supplied with scopes free) and a decent eyepiece - eg: a Hyperion, TMB Planetary, Meade 5000 series etc which seem to cost in the range of £50-£80 apiece new.

Above this the improvements in performance are still there but they are smaller incremental gains with the increment diminishing as the price increases generally (perhaps the Tele Vue Ethos breaks this rule though :) ).

Whether these improvements are worth the £'s spent really depends on the individual and their budget I guess - I can't say that I regret any of my investment and my eyepiece collection will serve me well for years to come and with whatever scopes I own in the future - but thats just my way of thinking :p


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Yes please. Marked FAO me, c/o TSC Loss Adjusters Ltd at the address given. Can you write 'Stationery' on the outside as well please?

As an aside, had 20 mins out with the 9.5mm Ortho tonight, before SWMBO caught me and took it away until Xmas.

Fantastic! What a brilliant EP. Not the best choice for looking at M45, but the few stars in the FOV were really bright against a fantastically dark background. Compared very favourably against the 10mm Super Plossl. Much better definition and sharper stars.

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Can anyone recommend e/ps for a fast newt, say in the ranges 25-32mm, 12-15mm.... Also, is there any reason not to use a Barlow in a fast newt?

Many thanks


Well, I recently pestered many on this site with this dilemma and here's my experience...

I did all kinds of research, posting, pricing and discussing. I went from considering a Celestron "starter" set to Meade 5000 super plossls to baader hyperions, I even considered dropping $400 - $600 on a single ethos. There were supporters for all of these. Eventually, after much deliberation and thanks in part to the wisdom of the members of this site (Rus, Astrophethean and Steve to name a few) I settled on going for used. I "ordered" a 24mm Televue panoptic and a 14mm pentax XW for a little over $500. I was still questioning the decision when my copy of "The Backyard Astronomer's Guide" arrived at my door. A read through the section on eyepieces told me I should not be disappointed, and have not. According to the authors, if you choose only one 'premium' eyepiece it is the 24mm pan. Later stated was that the XWs are hard to beat in the higher mags. I found mine to be very sharp.

Do I regret spending the money? No, but I'll admit it was earmarked for that purpose and it was waiting to be spent on something anyway. At the same time, now I find myself looking for more variety like the GSO revelation plossls. The whole set can be had for less than the cost of one of my EPs! Not only that, then I wouldn't worry nearly as much about my kids fingerprinting them. The downside? Well, lets just look at it like telling people you drive a Volkswagen as opposed to a Lexus, with which you can expect 1/3 high price, 1/3 status symbol, but also 1/3 quality. Make sense?

One other thing: I think seeing conditions far outweigh eyepiece "quality". I was seriously unimpressed with my 9mm speers-WALER until I happened upon a moment of clear seeing under relatively dark skies. What a difference!! Not only that, but the 32mm GSO plossl that came with my scope was a favorite (until I got the 24mm pan with the same fov & higher mag) so that says something.

As for a barlow, I was given a freebie $30 2x antares barlow when I spent a bunch of cash on my scope. It's very handy even despite the low cost (& probably accompanying quality). I think they are a very affordable way of extending your EP collection, even if not used frequently.

Good luck. Your decision is not an easy one!


My opinions do not necessarily reflect reality or even sanity for that matter...

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