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Some processing help......

paul mc c

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Hello all had a great sky last night,although the moon was out,but nice all the same,had great guiding with 300 sec subs,

I got 2 hours of the Cresent neb but with my basic gimp and basic processing knowledge i thought i would have had a better image than i did,so was wondering could any one see what they can get out of my data,

20x300 sec lights.

20x bias.

20x flats.


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I had to stretch it a fair bit, but some of the surrounding nebulosity is starting to show.

I use Photoshop, tried Gimp once when I was on holiday with my travel kit and no photoshop and just could not get on with it.

I always think this target is better and more sensitive in narrowband and not very rewarding in RGB. 


crescent  SGL.png

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Just levels and Curves, colour balancing, and increase of colour saturation near the start as stretching tends to wash out the colour.

All in Photoshop CS3.

Oh and a slight gradient exterminator. 


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5 hours ago, paul mc c said:

Brilliant....thank you,amazing the difference when you have good software and great knowledge.

Thanks .  Got some of the software but certainly still short on the knowledge part.

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