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Saturn 2019/08/10 00:25 UTC


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Hi all,

After replacing the broken altitude motor in my CPC, last night I took it outside for testing it and made this picture from my terrace by the seaside (with a lot of sea dew depositing on the corrector plate and a seeing of about 1"-1.25"):



The gear:

  • 50th Anniversary Celestron CPC 800 GPS XLT
  • GSO 2.5 Barlow Lens
  • Risingcam GPCMOSS02000KMA
  • ZWO manual filter wheel whith ZWO RGB filters 

The software:

  1. ToupSky (I took 2 minutes @ 46.69 gain and 45 ms for R, 40 ms for G and 80 ms for B)
  2. Autostakkert
  3. Registax (slight touch with wavelets)
  4. WinJUPOS (for derotating the video, then back to step 2. and, on de 2nd time to combine RGB)
  5. Fitswork (to reduce the background noise)
  6. The Gimp (color curve adjustment and a bit of gaussian selective blur)

Probably a bit overprocessed, but considering the conditions, I'm quite happy with it :-).





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