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M101 processing conundrum

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So, I opened my M101 project to try to apply my latest learnings about processing and starsand whatnot. I then realised I made a huge mistake and used the un-calibrated images in my stacking, which I remember gave me grief last time. So, I redo everything.

But, I'm not particularly happy about it. My result so far is less appealing than the original, which is full of wrong colour.


I haven't done final corrections on the new one, but I'm curious about what the stargazers here think?

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19 minutes ago, carastro said:

I presume the left one is uncalibrated and the right one is calibrated.  The one on the left looks clipped to me though I can see you have more pink in that one, 


Yeah, it has all sorts of nasty gradients, but somehow it appeals to my wife more than the new one. I'm tweaking myself into a depression trying to make something nice of it.


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Btw, here is rendition from Hubble. I'm posting it just for you to get the idea of what sort of color balance would be good:


You have good color in core - mostly yellow stars. Spiral arms are a bit less blue, and more "whitish". Dust lanes should be red/brown.

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For me, overall I  prefer the right image. However, I also prefer the Ha regions, the redness and the core detail in the left hand image. So, if you blend the two images together on a simple 50 50 basis you get this:




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1 hour ago, alan4908 said:

So, if you blend the two images together on a simple 50 50 basis you get this:

Wow, that's really nice. Good idea. 

1 hour ago, vlaiv said:

In first post, right image looks very, very good.

Thanks Vlaiv, I did everything I could "by the book" and somehow it packed the wow I had from the previous, wrong as that one was. 

Thanks for the reality check. 

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