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Very red crescent. Need input.


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This one has been a really hard process. I have 15 hours of 20 min OIII, 21 hours of 20 min Ha and something like 20 hours of mixed LRGB. I used the HaOIIIRGB for this by combining the NB in HOO and using the RGB for starfield blend in.

It's a very red image. I tried downplaying the Ha and bringing out the blue, but I had so much problems finding a way to make it pop out. 


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I too have been experimenting with combining HO with RGB and find it very difficult to get what I consider to be a pleasing end result.

I combine the Ha and OIII in PixInsight using R:Ha, G:0.4*Ha+0.6*OIII, B:OIII. I process the RGB in PI and use ArcSinhStretch to pull out the star colours. I then use PS to combine the two images using layer with a 'hide all' mask using a 15% opacity/25% flow brush to carefully blend the two images. It takes ages!

I should preface all of the above with "currently" because my ideas may change next week.

Love the framing of your image - not something I am likely to achieve with my setup.

Good luck!


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On 23/07/2019 at 22:05, Adreneline said:

I then use PS to combine the two images using layer with a 'hide all' mask using a 15% opacity/25% flow brush to carefully blend the two images

There's a different way of doing it: http://pixinsight.com/tutorials/NGC7023-HDR/index.html#High_Contrast_Small_Scale_Structures

Anyone else with an opinion on the image?

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16 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

I was only trying to help - a “thank you” would have been nice.

And I was letting you know that there is an easier and more precise way of doing the blending of stars in PI, once you get the process and intent of the math. What you told me about NB pixelmath is what I did, because that's what you do to make an NB image. After that I asked if anyone else has an opinion.

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I can't offer any advice on the image other than it is superb, I am stunned by the time you have put into this. Have to say reading how it was done was rather pointless as I didn't understand a word. I sit outside banging out my 3 and 4 minute exposures of various targets and think after 2 hours I have done enough. I feel I would need at least to months to get near your data, it was a subject that I was thinking of having a go at, Great image and I see why Datalord is you chosen name.


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1 hour ago, alan potts said:

Great image and I see why Datalord is you chosen name.

Haha, thanks. Actually that name is from my past working with large databases, but it is oddly fitting here as well.

1 hour ago, alan potts said:

and think after 2 hours I have done enough

I used to do the same with my RASA, but then one time some demon took a hold of me.

When you see the one I posted with 4h of data compared to the one with 17h, I find it well worth it.

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