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(Useful) Horizontal Power Drill Clamp!


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Quite often I need to do a simple task like "tidying up the end" of cut
timber or metal... Making (circular/other!) saw cuts *be* 90 degrees! 😛

Mostly I just "wave an angle grinder at it", but I "hate them"! Personal
Lack of patience... a moment's inadvertance -  Minus a body part? lol 🙀

Always remember my DAD having a "Black & Decker DRILL STAND!" 😎
He made a little table (from "machined" wood!) to feed the material...

I would LOVE to have a "workshop"... disk/belt sander... Then I found:
Turn out my (recent) power drill has 43mm fitting... so a prototype:


Hey, it not FINISHED yet! lol. I still need to buy a (modern!) "sanding disk" thing!
There are quite a few Youtube videos re. people doing such things... I still wonder
a BIT about "Elf and safety". The above seems fairly safe to my remaining eye. 😜

Wonder a bit about "sanding disks"? Dad (and I) previously used a SOLID steel
disk and you had to *melt* some sort of *gloop* stuff to stick the sanding disks?
These days it all "hook and loop" etc. Some of the things have slightly disturbing
SAFETY issues. But this sort of thing shoudl be fairly OK for occasional use??? 🤔


For non-standard use of machine tools, 2nd /qualified opinion is often good? 😸

P.S. I assume one should fix the table HEIGHT to feed to the "middle" of the disc? 

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Always like to see a bit of DIY tooling!

I would probably make the table much closer to the disc - minimise the gap as much as possible to prevent snatching of the workpiece. you could look at picture of disc sanders on line to see what sort of table height, relative to the disc, you should be aiming for.

Are you going to hold the drill trigger with one hand and the workpiece with the other?

Those backing pads you linked to are soft faced and are meant for polishing really, you want a pad with a hard face for sanding such as this one... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Silverline-582050-Hook-Loop-Backing/dp/B00SXC86US/ref=sr_1_13?keywords=hook+and+loop+backing+pad&qid=1562838027&s=diy&sr=1-13  I think the 150mm would be fine as the drill is probably quite powerful compared with a commercial disc sander.

Probably best to check the max RPM of the drill and see if it exceeds the max RPM of the sanding pad/discs.

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Heheh. Thanks for that, Craig! Yes, the table will be FIXED to the baseboard when
I "know the distances"! Fortunately this drill has a "lock-on" button and I sense the
direction of rotation should tend to push the object INTO the "table" etc. etc. 🙂

Ah yes... SPEED... A 150mm disk would just about fit my "random" dimensions! 😛

People do make some GREAT (fun!) stuff on Youtube... Their Skills impressive...
https://youtu.be/noWzYHt4s34 ("Bless" all Youtube enthusiasts for their time!) 😸

I suspect a bit of flexure "wobble" is useful (safer) to have in the disk...  Draw a
line on the workpiece and "eyeball it for accuracy" should be sufficient for me!


P.S. I'm lazy, so often use Amazon's "Evil Empire" for such things. It can be a tad
frustrating at times... What with their sometimes bizarre *grouping* of items for
delivery... the (helpful) "add on item" thing! Sometimes I spend more time trying
to "defeat" such artificial intelligence. But we digress! lol 😸

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16 minutes ago, Macavity said:

P.S. I'm lazy, so often use Amazon's "Evil Empire" for such things. It can be a tad
frustrating at times... What with their sometimes bizarre *grouping* of items for
delivery... the (helpful) "add on item" thing! Sometimes I spend more time trying
to "defeat" such artificial intelligence. But we digress! lol 😸

I am a big fan of Amazon, have bought lots of stuff that I didn't need but realy wanted.

I view the site as a big boys "exchange and mart" and do like a random browsing session from time to time :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished! No "rocket science", but does the (one/two) job(s) needed.
I used a 2mm thick "hook & loop"(!) disk to allow a BIT of "flexure"...
Marked rotation direction to avoid disk cartwheeling across room? 😛


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