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Clear sky at last, 26/06/19


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Managed my first solar session since the 10th of this month. In Ha there were 4 groups of proms. Mostly very small but all quite bright. On the upper east limb there is a pair of column proms. Started off small but during the 2 hours of my sessions certainly got larger and brighter. Near the mid point of the east limb there was a arch prom. Small but bright and gave good views.  Further down the eastern limb there was another set of spikes. Small and rather indistinct. On the lower western limb there was another small group. Surface wise there was only one small filament close to the north western limb.

White Light was very quiet. Empty disc and I could not see granulation. 

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Here in Derby, i'm not exaggerating when i say i reckon we have had less than 10 hours sun so far this month.

That equates to an average of less than 25mins per day.

And i've completely lost track of where the moon and planets are at.

If you asked me what the current Lunar phase is, i wouldn't know.

Its been weeks since i last saw it at all.

Quite depressing : all this nice kit sitting around with me unable to use it.



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I know how you feel. It’s been much the same here, but the sky is still a cloudless blue tonight so I hope to try out my new GTi mount. Of course this far north it does not get very dark at this time of the year.

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