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Anyone who has or is thinking about bulding this simple project.




You may find it useful to read through the following thread. There is additional code for switching a relay and operating a Servo to move the Flap.

Veiw in Chrome to get a translation.


My Flap is using the method show in post 4. Relay operated by the Dragonfly and geared DC motor. (Flap is to big for a servo)

For a smaller scope I will go for a servo operated flap incorporating the flat panel run by the ArduinoLightbox software in the above thread.

The ArduinoLightbox can be operated directly from Voyager and SGP.

Hope this useful.


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Yes I built one and it works very well in conjunction with SGPro. Once set, the light settings are accurate and it makes the taking of flat frames a simple process.


Edited by sloz1664
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On 25/06/2019 at 15:34, sloz1664 said:

Yes I built one and it works very well in conjunction with SGPro. Once set, the light settings are accurate and it makes the taking of flat frames a simple process.


Hi Steve,

Easy little project to do. I have been using it in Voyager. The software changes the light setting and the exposure length to get the ACU reading that has been set. You have to get it near in the ballpark or it takes a while.

Anyway my question. I have been using paper sheets to dim the panel. What have you used? There were plastic films mentioned in your thread which may be better in a damp winter observatory.



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  • 2 years later...

Reviving this thread...I have succeeded in getting a servo to operate in SGP using the arduino code linked above.  However I'd like to slow down the servo, and I have very little knowledge of arduino coding.  Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to adjust the code to slow the servo down?

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