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Thoughts On Svbony?

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Hi all, I'm in the process of choosing a budget light pollution filter for my canon camera, I have came accross a svbony branded light pollution filter.


The transmission graph looks almost identical to the skytech cls clip filter, my question is, is svbony a good company and do they make good quality products, as I have heard they make eyepieces and other astronomical accessories, I just wanted to get a few more experienced opinions. 

I'll post the graph I found online of this filter, I only have a vague idea of what I'm looking at.


Thanks, Arran


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6 hours ago, Arran townsend said:

The transmission graph looks almost identical to the skytech cls clip filter

They might be the same filter. SVBony don't make anything, they just order items in large enough quantities to get their name printed on them. Skytech could be the same, or even the own brand name that the manufacturer has been selling them under. 

With regards to filters, I think this is an area where it is worth paying for a premium brand. If you've got LED lighting in the area then it is probably worth your while looking at the new(ish) IDAS filter that is designed with that in mind. 

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I bought 2 different focal reducers one from Gso and one from Svbony, they are different by clear aperture and case length with the Svbony having more clear aperture  but both 1.25. The Svbony is clearly superior, since beggining eeva I decided to upgrade focal reduction from two 24mm binocular objectives I installed in filter cases some 8 years back for visual purposes and am very pleased with the Svbony and plan to replace the Gso I'm now employing ahead of one of the two cameras I run together on my eeva rig.

I also own an Svbony dovetail and a helical focusing eyepiece adapter and am also pleased with those items. I own Baader, Celestron, Meade, WO and a host of brands and if the shoe fits wear it I say.

I always work with sellers using a full return policy and have been happy with some brands components and unhappy with others per my specific needs.

With all that being said Svbony is selling the same focal reducer Gso is selling for $30  for only $11 but Svbony is also selling the reducer I wound up preferring for $20, of the 3 Svbony items I purchased the total savings was better than 50% of cost elsewhere for very comparable items and of course that put more kit on the stick...

I should add that my eeva scopes are running at f 1.8 and f 2 and the Gso reducer may work just fine in slower applications as many users like the Gso reducer just fine.



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Svbony sells two different focal reducers. The cheap single lens one isn’t very good but their better one thats the same as the GSO is actually quite good but more expensive.easy to tell apart as the cheap one is thinner.




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5 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Svbony sells two different focal reducers. The cheap one isn’t very good but their better one thats the same as the GSO is actually quite good but more expensive.

Clearly two different objectives loaded in two different cases and swaping them in use its my opin that the Svbony is superior, but just my opinion and I haven't tested more than these 2 units against each other.

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36 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Svbony sells two different focal reducers. The cheap single lens one isn’t very good but their better one thats the same as the GSO is actually quite good but more expensive.easy to tell apart as the cheap one is thinner.




Ok this is making sence now, in the US the top reducer pictured is branded Gso through my supplier and the more expensive one so I'm guessing that the supplier is running out old stock or Gso is just supplying them with theirs. Here the wider aperture reducer is unavailable at least through the suppliers I am dealing with branded Gso.


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1 minute ago, johninderby said:

The cheap single lens one on the top can be had fot £5.99 incl postage from eBay and the double lens one on the bottom can be had for £9.99 incl postage from eBay.

So indeed the Gso my supplier is listing for $30 can be had for much less and my eyes for aberrations are still quite good.

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2 hours ago, Ricochet said:

They might be the same filter. SVBony don't make anything, they just order items in large enough quantities to get their name printed on them. Skytech could be the same, or even the own brand name that the manufacturer has been selling them under. 

With regards to filters, I think this is an area where it is worth paying for a premium brand. If you've got LED lighting in the area then it is probably worth your while looking at the new(ish) IDAS filter that is designed with that in mind. 

Interesting point, and I do have some LED lighting in my area, but it's still mostly sodium, I appreciate your reply

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1 hour ago, SIDO said:

I bought 2 different focal reducers one from Gso and one from Svbony, they are different by clear aperture and case length with the Svbony having more clear aperture  but both 1.25. The Svbony is clearly superior, since beggining eeva I decided to upgrade focal reduction from two 24mm binocular objectives I installed in filter cases some 8 years back for visual purposes and am very pleased with the Svbony and plan to replace the Gso I'm now employing ahead of one of the two cameras I run together on my eeva rig.

I also own an Svbony dovetail and a helical focusing eyepiece adapter and am also pleased with those items. I own Baader, Celestron, Meade, WO and a host of brands and if the shoe fits wear it I say.

I always work with sellers using a full return policy and have been happy with some brands components and unhappy with others per my specific needs.

With all that being said Svbony is selling the same focal reducer Gso is selling for $30  for only $11 but Svbony is also selling the reducer I wound up preferring for $20, of the 3 Svbony items I purchased the total savings was better than 50% of cost elsewhere for very comparable items and of course that put more kit on the stick...

I should add that my eeva scopes are running at f 1.8 and f 2 and the Gso reducer may work just fine in slower applications as many users like the Gso reducer just fine.



Thankyou for your long reply I do appreciate that, you have made me feel more confident in buying from svbony, thankyou

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