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New user struggling with getting an image from the DMK 21AU04.AS camera

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I am a new user with this camera and have just connected everything up for the first time.  

Everything is connected, it is located, but I can't get an image from it.  

Instead, it is showing me shades when I move the camera around (light and dark). (See the pictures)

Is that supposed to happen?  Is it only when I connect it to a scope, point it at the sky and focus it with the scope that I will get an image?

Just very confused.  



Edited by marcelteaching
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Does it have/have you attached a lens? If not it will be your telescope which does that job.

Until the light is focused upon the sensor, what you describe is all that you'll see.

Cheers and HTH.


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Yes, some sort of focussing device is required. If you have, it is could be too long an exposure length, or the lens might require focussing.

Look on the positive - the moving shadows as you move the camera proves that the electronics bit is working.

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3 hours ago, marcelteaching said:


I am a new user with this camera and have just connected everything up for the first time.  

Everything is connected, it is located, but I can't get an image from it.  

Instead, it is showing me shades when I move the camera around (light and dark). (See the pictures)

Is that supposed to happen?  Is it only when I connect it to a scope, point it at the sky and focus it with the scope that I will get an image?

Just very confused.  



This is perfectly normal. Without any optics (lens or telescope) in front of the sensor to form an image you will just get a overall grey blur.

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Thank you everyone so much! 

I know it sounds like such a stupid thing, but this isn't exactly described anywhere.  It makes sense.  I remember when I looked into my first Dob when it was out of focus and I couldn't see anything but a blur.  Thank you.

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