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M10 - another glob for my Messier collection


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Hi all,

My intention had been to shoot close up views of globular clusters M4 and M19 with my C14, both of which live down around 10 degrees from my location. Whilst I was waiting for them to gain altitude I decide to shoot M10, for which I only had a poor quality image taken with a 4" APO in LP skies in Surrey. M10 itself was only at an altitude of ~25 degrees and I started capturing durring nautical twilight in a pretty bright sky, so far from ideal. I captured 10x120s each RGB, of which 8 of each were aligned and stacked giving 48 mins total integration. Here is the processed result....


I never did get M4 or M19, the latter I started, but had focus issues then lost it behind trees....

Thanks for looking.


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16 minutes ago, PhotoGav said:

That’s a rich result, amazing what can be done with just 48 mins of data and no astronomical darkness!

Thanks Gav, yes, globs are definitely targets that fair pretty well when imaging in bright skies. Cheers Geof

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Awesome glob...

If I could make one suggestion, it looks like your scope is very slightly off perfect focus.... do you have a Bahtinov mask? if not, than think about investing in one, it'll help you hit that focus perfectly spot on everytime.


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10 hours ago, MarsG76 said:

Awesome glob...

If I could make one suggestion, it looks like your scope is very slightly off perfect focus.... do you have a Bahtinov mask? if not, than think about investing in one, it'll help you hit that focus perfectly spot on everytime.


Thanks @MarsG76 and yes, I agree that focus may have been slightly off. I don't have a B-mask for the C14, though I've used them previously on my former 10" Meade LX200 and WO ZS71 APO. I agree that they work very well, but it's not really a solution for the C14 as I'm using SGP autofocus on change of filter, but as discussed elsewhere that routine has issues with globs - see @PhotoGav's thread where we discussed this problem.....

Automating AF with SGP for globs remains very much 'work in progress' and ultimately I may have to resort to manual intervention for these targets.

Cheers, Geof

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10 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

Lovely golden stars.

Is the colour "genuine"? Either way, I do like the result.

Thanks @Demonperformer, that's a good question and I guess the answer is 'yes and no'. Yes, the star colours come from the raw data, but the arcsinH stretch that I used tends to lose star colour, so I used a selective colour mask, with a threshold mask to select just the brighter yellow stars, to given them a colour/saturation boost, so that perhaps means No the colours are not completely genuine. I ran a similar process for the brighter blue stars. I'm reluctant to mess too much with the star colours, but pehaps did a bit more than usual with the golden stars in this image.

I hope that clarifies and thanks for asking. Geof

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