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Sol 14 May 2019 AR2741 and Prom in Ha


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Second session this year with the old current bun. Would have finished a lot sooner but I left some dodgy settings in place on SharpCap and couldn't find the Sun for ages.

Any hoo, here are two pictures. Both are compiled of two images, the first capturing the surface detail of the sun 10ms exposure and a gain of 40. The second captured the prominence, same exposure but the gain has been ramped up to see the prom, effectively overexposing the surface. Both are then over layed in photoshop using the 'difference' layer setting coupled with some sharpening and levels adjustments.

Taken with my William Optics Z61, Daystar Quark Chromosphere, SharpCap, AutoStakkert2 and butchered in the usual way in Photoshop.



Sol_140519_in Ha_Prom.jpg


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