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My first Astro pic!

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This is my first astronomy picture ever. I took it with an iPhone 8. I know it’s not very good but it has piqued my interest in astrophotography! I use an LX70 EQ mount but don’t have the motor drive yet. Plan on getting it soon, but have no idea how to set it up! Any suggestions?


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Awesome first astro pic! im not sure about the LX70 but i'm sure you're in the right forum for help on that, phone pics are not easy to frame and expose so be happy about the shot you took here.

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Great shot! Have a go with an app like Procam 5 which will give you better control of exposure. Try to avoid over exposing the brightest parts or you lose the detail in those areas and can't get it back in processing.

Have a look at the Smartphone imaging section for some more help and tips.

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I’m kind of kicking myself for not getting the motor drive when I bought the EQ mount! It looks easy enough to add and would make viewing planets and the moon much more enjoyable! I’m really pleased with the Skywatcher Pro ED 80mm!


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Nice setup Greg. Yes, dual axis drives would make it much more relaxing to track planets and the moon. You could also add a Herschel Wedge to your kit and get great views of the sun!

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