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Celestron omni xlt 150

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It really depends on what your budget is and what sort of targets you want to observe. If it was me I would probably be looking at the 20mm APM/Lunt HDC as my widest field option and either the 10mm Pentax XW or 12.5mm Baader Morpheus as my general purpose DSO eyepiece, adding shorter variations of the chosen line in the future. These are expensive and fairly bulky eyepieces so you may wish to go with something cheaper or lighter, depending on your preferences.

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On a budget of a touch under £50 per eyepiece you can get a significant improvement over the stock eyepieces that come with the scope by choosing some of the BST Starguider eyepieces:


While not quite as good as the ones Ricochet has suggested above, the BST Starguiders do perform very well for their cost.

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