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Eyepiece recommendations

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I picked up a brand new Gysker Telescope at the thrift store but it did not come with the eye piece or the elbow piece that holds it. I have no clue what size, brand or magnification I should even try and buy. Any recommendations? I am going to try and attach a picture of one similar to the one I bought.

Thank you!!!!


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Does the telescope have a little plate/sticker on it giving details such as the aperture and focal length? 

The first thing you will want is a 1.25" 90° star diagonal. Given the scope you have I probably wouldn't spend too much on it. 

Secondly, you will probably want a 32mm Plossl to max out the field of view. To work out what other eyepieces you should consider we really need the specifications of the exact telescope you've bought. 

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Would appear to be this scope.


Telescope Specification 
Aperture: 70mm(2.8 in) 
Focal Length: 700mm(27.55 in) 
Focal Ratio:F10 
Eyepiece1: 25mm(0.98in) 
Magnification1: 28X 
Eyepiece2: 10mm(0.39in) 
Magnification2: 70X 
Max Magnification: 420 
Finderscope: 5*24 
Zenith Mirrors:48°Erecting BAK7 prism 
Mount: U Altazimuth Mount 
Optical coating: Antireflection Green Film 
Barlow lens: 3X 
Resolution: ≤4.1 
Angular Field of View: 1°21" 
Tuble connection: U Altazimuth Mount Screw 
Tripod:1.27in stainless steel Tripod 

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Any eyepieces or accessories(like a star-diagonal or a 2x barlow) that are purchased for the present kit can be used with other telescopes that may be acquired in future.  

Telescopes come and go, but eyepieces and such are like luggage, and for life.  When you buy a 2x barlow, it's a one-time acquisition.  You'll never need another, unless they're lost or spirited away.  The same goes for the rest.

I, too, suggest a star-diagonal, for use at night, and a 32mm Plossl(22x).  The 32mm would provide your lowest power and the largest view of the sky; to get your bearings, and for the ease in hunting for this object and that.  Once an object is found, you may want a closer look at it.  You then swap the 32mm with a 12mm(58x) combined with a 2x barlow, and for a simulated 6mm(117x).  That would be about as high as you might go, for now.

Examples of same...

https://www.365astronomy.com/32mm-GSO-Plossl-Eyepiece.html (22x)

https://www.365astronomy.com/12mm-GSO-Plossl-Eyepiece.html (58x)

https://www.365astronomy.com/GSO-2x-Barlow-2-Element-Achromatic-Barlow.html (117x, with the 12mm)

If the budget will not allow, a barlow can wait.

A star-diagonal... https://www.365astronomy.com/Celestron-Diagonal-Star-1.25-in.html

The word "star" tells you that it's for use at night.  The original diagonal that's missing is an Amici, or erect-image, and for daytime/terrestrial use; birds in trees, ships at sea, that sort of thing.  Replacements of that type are sold online as well.

If you only want to "jump start" it, there are budgetary options for everything but a 32mm Plossl, on eBay and the used marketplaces online.

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Not sure about you, but I make it that the telescope takes the older 24.5mm (0.965") eyepieces so recommendations will need to be adjusted accordingly. 

Hi Talley, unfortunately this size eyepiece is rarely available and when/where they are offered are not available in many focal lengths, I am afraid your options are very limited unless you can find some s/h (sorry 'preowned').  Also, the eyepieces tend to be the old designs with very few elements, so not upgradeable, here are some examples:



You might also consider an adapter to enable you to use 1.25" eyepieces, where you have much more choice, here:


Hope this helps

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On 11/05/2019 at 06:56, Alan64 said:

This is the telescope in question, and it uses 1.25" eyepieces and accessories

Apologies Alan, I was going by the given sizes in mm (of the eye lense) in the actual advert and projecting up.  Is this not the eyepieces that come with the scope?

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21 hours ago, rwilkey said:

Apologies Alan, I was going by the given sizes in mm (of the eye lense) in the actual advert and projecting up.  Is this not the eyepieces that come with the scope?

I see what you're referring to, and understandable, but could the 22mm and 11mm be referring to the eye-relief instead?  Granted, that would be odd in their including that information.  Much mysterious, but after investigating further, an Amazon member answered one of the questions posed about the kit, here...


"Yes, I got the Celestron 93230 8 to 24mm 1.25 Zoom Eyepiece, it works well with the scope as well as the Barlow Lense. Haven’t had any problems with it at all, and it’s very convinient not having to swap out lenses for different magnification. Highly recommend." - William Bartnik

Now, I have seen new kits online bundling .965" eyepieces, in the past few years, but thankfully very few and far between.

Incidentally, the Zhumell .965" oculars are defunct.  These are the only decent ones I know of sold new in the U.S., and I have two of them myself...


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Incidentally, I found this 90mm refractor at a thrift store recently, and in dreadful condition...


No hand-controller, and busted up right good.  I couldn't even rack the focusser in and out, as it was much too loose, like it was going to fall apart.


I don't want to know how that had happened.  The price-tag...


Well, at least they wrote "Refracting Telescope" on the tag.  I'll give them that.

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