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Reducers and Barlows for RedCat 51 + ASI183MC

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Hey guys!

I was thinking it could be great if I could add a reducer/barlow to the RedCat 51 for astrophotography. Is this a good idea? I mean, the ASI sensor seems to cut away quite a bit from the lens view, I think, so I guess that, if I could get a reducer, I could pull more light to the sensor and get a wider view for those really big nebulas, right?

As for the barlows, I guess I would need more exposure and guiding precision, but could get more magnification out of smaller objects.

Apart from that, I'm unsure about what elements would fit on this setup. I found some for microscopes with a M48 connector, but don't connect to both ends and I'm not sure if it's the same thing.

Would appreciate some ideas :)

Thanks in advance!

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16 hours ago, KTachyon said:

Hey guys!

I was thinking it could be great if I could add a reducer/barlow to the RedCat 51 for astrophotography. Is this a good idea? I mean, the ASI sensor seems to cut away quite a bit from the lens view, I think, so I guess that, if I could get a reducer, I could pull more light to the sensor and get a wider view for those really big nebulas, right?

As for the barlows, I guess I would need more exposure and guiding precision, but could get more magnification out of smaller objects.

Apart from that, I'm unsure about what elements would fit on this setup. I found some for microscopes with a M48 connector, but don't connect to both ends and I'm not sure if it's the same thing.

Would appreciate some ideas :)

Thanks in advance!

I am not sure that you can use a normal reducer on a four element design as you would end up trying to correct for curvature in a scope that has already been corrected inducing aberrations as opposed to removing them. 

Edited by Adam J
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