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Messier 101 - Luminance

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So.. there's bad news and there's good news.. and some other news.

  Bad news: I collected 14 hrs of data so far on this project including the 7hrs I got last night. I was planning on finishing this one within the week or next but a nice big gust of wind took my entire imaging rig out (95 LBS of equipment). My scope took the blunt of the fall as my equatorial mounts ha/dec saddle pretty much snapped into pieces. My camera is fine.. the scope.. who knows. The mount..? Gotta get a new piece for the flange holding the head and tripod together.  

Good news: Its only 40$ to fix and shouldnt take more than 2 weeks to get the parts.


Other news: Messier 101.

13 hrs  of 25hrs lum data


gain: unity / offset: 21

Cem60, GSO8rc, ASI1600mm-p, Astrodon lum, QHY oag/guidecam


m101 lum stack.jpg

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Sorry to hear about the incident.

That must have been some gust of wind !!!...   mini-tornado ???

The image is pretty darn good, which I know is a small compensation.    Hopefully you'll be onto those RGand B's soon.

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5 minutes ago, Craney said:

Sorry to hear about the incident.

That must have been some gust of wind !!!...   mini-tornado ???

The image is pretty darn good, which I know is a small compensation.    Hopefully you'll be onto those RGand B's soon.

Just a bad wind storm! My tarp lay over my rig to protect it from the drizzle but the wind took it like a wind sail it blew the whole thing over!

I still plan on getting about 15 more hours of lum data and then ill Work on RGB. Heres to a working rig!

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Oh the horror of seeing your lovely gear on the ground. Could've been worse i suppose, at least the camera is okay. Stunning image really sparkles. If i may make an observation, there seems to be holes in your stars possibly introduced in post processing. 

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3 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

Oh the horror of seeing your lovely gear on the ground. Could've been worse i suppose, at least the camera is okay. Stunning image really sparkles. If i may make an observation, there seems to be holes in your stars possibly introduced in post processing. 

Yes I’ve noticed these as welll. It was actually a weird stacking artifact that was accentuated during post. This WILL be dealt with lolol

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