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One hour on the chain


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Really just a proving run, having put the Meg 90 and ASI 1600 on the HEQ5, guiding with the ST80 and QHY5II in PHD2

One hour Luminance in 5 min subs, capture in Maxim DL 6, processing in AstroArt 5


Desperately needs flats, and I think the spacing needs checking as I have elongated stars in the cornes.

Sigma Average stacking with Darks only, Gradient removal and slight crop followed by DDP and three rounds of Histogram Stretch

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Managed to get 24 "T-Shirt" flats this afternoon. Not sure how much difference they've made overall, but this is as far as I'm taking this set of data, as I'll be stripping down the train from the flattener onwards, as there is one really nasty dust bunny that flats only partially correct.


Processing as in the previous version.

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