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Rosette Narrowband - First Cooled DSLR image


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Hi All,

This is the SHO result of my first imaging object with the cooled Canon 40D. 

Through out the imaging, the camera failed a number of times due to condensation buildup inside and so this is a result of two different 40D bodies and sensors. I captured some HAlpha data with the originally cooled 40D before it failed and the second half of the HAlpha, OIII and SII are captured with the second modded and cooled 40D


Exposures: SII: 30x1200s HII: 30x600s OIII: 30x900s ISO1600

Telescope: BOSMA Beta RE

Focal length: 500mm


Clear Skies,


Rosette SHO JanFeb2019 Frm.jpg

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58 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

you have been bizzy mate. well done.  charl.

Thanks Charl.. I was busy with a 11 month old.... but I did find a bit of time for Astro stuff ?. Cooling the DSLR was a nice little project that, so far, seems to be working but as always there is room for improvement and I'd like if the sensor temp came down another 15 degrees.. so prototype mk 2 is being developed.

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