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I have used FV5 and while it is good and gives you a lot of manual control, it is still somewhat limited by phone hardware. Something to keep in mind.

Example, my user icon is a picture I took with my cell phone through an eyepiece. Not terrible. I know it could be better though if I could have extended the shutter for more than .6 seconds. Some phones have a built-in hardware limitation that won't let a piece of software push beyond it for whatever reason, in this case, the exposure length was limited. Granted, most cell phones aren't going to be used in this manner, but still. Don't fully understand why other than they may be afraid the sensor will get burnt out. To that, I say my phone, I should be able to destroy it if I want.


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30 minutes ago, Buzzard75 said:

I have used FV5 and while it is good and gives you a lot of manual control, it is still somewhat limited by phone hardware. Something to keep in mind.

Example, my user icon is a picture I took with my cell phone through an eyepiece. Not terrible. I know it could be better though if I could have extended the shutter for more than .6 seconds. Some phones have a built-in hardware limitation that won't let a piece of software push beyond it for whatever reason, in this case, the exposure length was limited. Granted, most cell phones aren't going to be used in this manner, but still. Don't fully understand why other than they may be afraid the sensor will get burnt out. To that, I say my phone, I should be able to destroy it if I want.


Yes, unfortunately there are limitations on what the phones will allow you to do. For example, my wife's Nokia 6.1 doesn't allow anything more than a few seconds.

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Have tried using FV5 as well, and does not like dark skies

Have tried manual mode, with limited success in my Samsung 8 default camera

Was leaving home around 4-30am, recently, and had conjunction of Venus with crescent moon

Jupiter was just above Venus

Moon turned out a big white blob, mainly due to handshake, even though resting my hands on car bonnet, and inability of camera phone to focus properly in poor light


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I would stick to the stock camera app. As not only third-party apps may suffer from the phone hardware lacking features, but in reverse, they might be unaware of the non-standard hardware features. That's, for example, applies to the Samsung flagships, which phone apps require some learning curve different from standard apps in order to squeeze out exactly what you want from your image.

So, Anthony, what is your Android model and what is your "new camera app" goal actually? And what is your technical level? (i.e. can you rebuild an app in Linux?) The answers could rule out or in some of the nice options I have in mind for myself being an Android developer :)

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