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Mesu 200 / SGP Meridian flip issue - Help please!

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Sorry for all the Mesu related questions - its first light tonight and I have got most things working but I have a weird issue with the Meridian flip.

At the Meridian SGP plate solves -stops guiding - the flip happens then it plate solves again and as soon as it has the info it re-flips and goes back to the 'wrong' side of the Meridian.

I have carefully checked all the settings from the quick start guide etc but I just cannot figure out this one !!

Any ideas??

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Not really looked into this as just read and responding off top of my head. 

Here is a Mesu 200 Mount parameters that appear to be working. May help.

Its the Over Pole and Underpole I was thinking of. Set here works OK.





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Hello again... I had exactly that happen to me...  My settings are SGP 1 minute past meridian,  Sitech GEM auto flip go to ticked,  West Overpole  10... Under pole -170.... East Overpole -10... under pole 170..   track past meridian 5..   I copied them from Gnomus set up...   I also have both reverse guide modes unticked in Sitech and ticked in PHD

It all works like a dream now...   except for the manual dome!  About time I fitted the mover...




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Hi..  when I had the same issue I found a fairly recent thread on SGL by Harry Page in which Sara Wager shared her Mesu Sitech SGP PHD settings which got him sorted and there's also one by Gnomus from a few years back along the same lines which helped me...   So you might try looking for those.. its so blooming complicated!  In case it helps my SGP settings for the flip in SGP are "pause". (for me to move the dome)  "auto centre after " and "sync"...   another thing to maybe check is whether when it does the offset init after the flip it shows the scope pointing the right way.   Hope you  get it sorted, when it happened to me I found that after a period of time it stopped doing it.. I assumed because the mount had passed one of it its limits...  Maybe its so smart/dumb that if it thinks it can complete an exposure before it hits one or other of the limits it flips backwards!


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OK - cheers guys - after much messing about its partially sorted.

The two pieces of software - SGP and SiTech were effectively fighting each other - its just done a Meridian flip - plate solved and carried on.

The time after flip in Sitech needs to be greater than the time in SGP it would seem.

The new problem is that RA guiding is going in the wrong direction after the flip!!!

Going to be a long night I think !!!

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Excellent...  I had the same issue with guiding but its fine now .. for the PHD stuff in Sitech I now have both reverse guide modes tick boxes unchecked (following Sara Wager advice to Harry Page) and in PHD2 "Reverse Dec guiding after Meridan Flip" checked in the "Guiding" tab on the Brain..




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