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Odd message in PHD2 ?? Mesu 200 - Help Please.

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This is related to guide rates of your mount.

If the mount does not report guide speed / rate (actually ASCOM driver should do this) - PHD2 assumes that they are at least equal. Since you are calibrating at close to equator, for the same actual guide speeds phd2 should read off same guide speed from calibration data - but this is not the case.

PHD2 simply issues a pulse guide command and looks how much mount moved for duration of pulse command. Your RA rate is measured at about 5.2"/s while DEC rate is measured at ~10.3"/s.

Sidereal rate is about 15"/s so if your guide speed is set to for example x0.5 sidereal - measured rate for both axis in this configuration should be around 7.5"/s. If you have your RA rate set to x0.333 sidereal - then measurement is pretty close. Dec in this case would need to be set at x0.666 sidereal.

Do you know what guide speeds are set by your mount for RA and DEC?

Another thing that can happen is that your guide rates are same and ok, but declination of star used for calibration is reported incorrectly. PHD2 things its 5 degrees DEC, but if its 60 degrees - in that case RA would be measured at half that of DEC rate (if they are set the same).


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