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oaCApture v. 1.5 for OS X saving DSO images


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Hello and Merry Christmas to all.

I have the app running on two Mac computers with El Capitan.

I cannot find a way to save DSO images as one TIFF file, instead of numerous ones, representing video frames.

Is this app capable of saving DSO images (TIFF, PNG. etc.) or is it for video only?

Thanks for any help.


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It's not really intended for DSO imaging, though I have been fiddling about with applications based around the same core for EAA and all-sky cameras, so never say never :)

It may be possible to twist the existing functionality to achieve what you need though.  What exactly are do you want to do?


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Hello again. Here is an update after much digging into the settings.

OaCapture does have that capability to save just one output file, vice one for each frame.

Here are the settings required.

Click on the checkbox next to the "Limit" option, to the right of the "Type" of image. 

Set the Limit to 1 and select "Frames".

I tested this and it does save the (Tiff) output as one file for the entire capture length.

Now for some warmer, minimal moon nights.



update (my learning process).

oaCapture does have the capability to save a DSO image as one file, vice several frame files.

To set that, click on the "Limit" box, in the lower right side of the main screen, next to 

"Type" of image. Set the limit to 1 and next to that select "Frames". I tested it and it works-YEAH!

So for now. I will use this app for planetary videos and

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