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Sky at night


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I have a question for you guys i currently live in The Netherlands and had a chance to peek inside the magazine called Sky at night which is a british magazine. I was wondering is it worth buying them or not? I am looking for some information sources and timetables of what to see in the sky during the month. Want to begin with all the astronomy stuff again.


Dont worry be calm, cheers


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Yes, it's good for what you want it for. Personally I prefer Astronomy Now, a similar British astronomy magazine.  But sometimes I buy one, sometimes the other and sometimes I don't bother. Sky and Telescope is a similar publication. 

I assume you can get any of these mags on line for fee. 

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Cosmic Pursuits and Space.com are also useful websites but, like many other people, I prefer to browse a magazine in my hands rather than read a screen.

I used to subscribe to Sky at Night until I picked up a copy of Astronomy Now.  I found I could read Sky at Night, cover to cover, in about an hour.  The depth of  articles in Astronomy Now, mostly drawn from scientific papers published originally in academic journals, is far more informative and expands knowledge much more than the snippets that Sky at Night tends to use.  AN takes me closer to a week to take it all in and I am a subscriber to that magazine now,

Astronomy Now is plagued by irritating typographical errors but I can forgive them that.  For a reader with English as a second language Sky at Night is probably  easier to read but not nearly as informative if your English is good.

Sky and Telescope is an excellent American magazine but not readily available in newsagents in UK.  Whatever you choose, Ray, any of the magazines available will add to your knowledge.

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