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I have been going through my old data and found out I made a set last summer with 4 fairly bright asteroids in it. 

I'm still trying to figure out using Astrometrica, but I managed to trace the identification by downloading and importing the MPC database in Cartes Du Ciel. 


(2277) Moreau, mag 16.2, here seen moving up just below center image. 


(3003) Koncek, moving up, at the extreme right center:


(21452) 1998 HA 29, horizontal from left to right, just above the reflection:


(8440) Wigeon, moving up from right to left at 1/3 in the diagonal from the left lower corner. Very slow, very faint. 


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3 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

Some very nice captures there. I like the way you refer to asteroids down to mag 17.0 as "fairly bright" :)



Thank you :) I should specify that :) 

When you enter coordinates and time in the MPC database it gives back results for all objects in a X arcmin radius. Because I had no idea how big that was, I first entered 200 and the thing almost blew up. After lots of reductions, I still came up with 15-20 objects, but most of them were mag 18 - 20+. 

These 4 were pretty easy to find in my stack with no pixel rejection (as small lines), but I found not a single trace of the others, so mag 17.5 would be considered my limit with this equipment. 

For reference... The original stack - Two of them are close to the lower reflection, the two others at center right. 

I'm still not successful in platesolving AND annotating minor planets. SO strange Pixinsight still has no means to do so. 



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I just found 2 more on data from the Leo Triplet. One was really close to M65 :

(5915) Yoshihiro, at mag 17; A 3.8km diameter rock. 

It is seen at the left of the image, just at the right of the double star. 

Animation: 24x 5 minutes. 



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