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sw ed80 ds pro to sw 100 ed triplet


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The Esprit 100 costs ~3 times more than the 80ED. Many use the 80 with a DSLR. You can get 2 80EDs and 2 DSLRs instead of a single Esprit 100 and a DSLR, but twice the amount of light instead of just 56% more.

The big ratio of the costs and the other options might weight enough why not so many people switched from an 80ED to an Esprit 100. I'd certainly enjoy upgrading my Esprit 80 to an Esprit 100 and a Riccardi or TS reducer, but I cannot justify the cost.

OTOH, the 130PDS that I have does a decent job and it gathers a bit more light than a 100mm refractor even considering that the mirrors obstruct then reflect only maybe 75-80% of the total light.

If money is not a concern, I'd go for the Esprit. It's most probably the best 4" apo refractor in that range of money, delivering sharper results than others more expensive.

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I am a visual observer and have owned both scopes, so can talk from an observing point of view.

I started with the ED100 and really liked it, but it was not well mounted.
Sold it and the mount and moved to a 150mm reflector.

Then bought a new mount and ED80, the scope was wonderful,sharp and well presented views.
But it was not as wonderful as the 150mm or the ED100, not by much but enough.
I sold it onto an imager.

I now have a ED103s by Vixen, that is a shorter FL than the ED100 but the Vixen glass is quite something.

If I still had the ED80, I think I would still be happy, but I am a kit fiddler and like to try new things on my own and see how they perform.
15 minutes of someone else's kit is not long enough to see how it works for you after all.

As a footnote, the Vixen ED103s costs considerably more than either the Sky-Watchers and it's a keeper for sure.
Quite a statement for me that last one.


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