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All Sky Plate Solver problems


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I've noticed two major problems when using All Sky Plate Solver. The first is when I have platesolved and the sync have been issued EQMOD will not respond if I try to goto or slew. The buttons are unresponsive. I can get around this problem by disconnecting the mount from ASPS before I try to slew. The second problem is that the mount stops tracking at this point as well. If I park the mount and then slew back to my position this seems to alleviate the problem and the mount starts tracking again.

The software is still usable and apart from these two problems I really like it. It always solves and is easy to use. Has anyone else had these problems, or have any idea on how to fix them? I tried emailing the creator but haven't had any reply. I'm running a HEQ5 with EQMOD.

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Assuming all your software (ASCOM etc) is up todate and check your cables !!

Unless someone comes up with something more appropriate a way to try and narrow down the problem is to install Astrotortilla to temporarily  replace ASPS and see if the problems goes away (ASPS is then the problem).

If that doesn't work replace EQMOD (again only temporary ) with Windows Synscan App and Synscan Ascom Mobile driver  (I am assuming Windows as you use EQMOD) and use ASPS with Synscan Ascom Mobile driver. If that cures the problem EQMOD or HEQ5/6 Ascom driver at fault

Still not working then go back to your normal set up (EQMOD/ASPA) and replace the EQDIR (or equiv).

Still not working then it looks to be your HEQ5 mount ? IMHO

Note this has been based on limited info of your set up ?

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Thanks some good suggestions there. I'm hoping its not the mount. I connect to the mount via an EQDIR cable. All the cables are attached to the laptop directly. The above problems happen wether I'm using CDC or Stellarium with Stellariumscope to control the mount.

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11 hours ago, cuivenion said:

The above problems happen wether I'm using CDC or Stellarium with Stellariumscope to control the mount.

Hi, are you using the stand alone asps program or under another software like apt or byeos?  Also can you check if your sync command is actually being registered by ascom? You can click on the >> button and see if the sync points are increasing as you add them. 

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Hi, I'm using ASPS stand alone, and the syncs are registering with EQMOD. If I park the mount after syncing and then slew to a star, that star is near the center of the crosshairs in my imaging software. I'm going to try the Synscan app and see if I have the same problem when I have a chance.

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I know whats causing it. In the location settings in ASPS a digit in my longitude keeps changing. Every time I go into the settings to change it back it changes again as soon as I press OK. This causes problems with CDC and Stellarium because my coordinates aren't the same.

I've tested in EQMOD simulator and when I have the coordinates in ASPS set correctly (I keep the Location Setting tab open with the correct coordinates) the simulator works correctly and tracks fine. The Simulator also reproduced the bug.

The problem is I cannot access the rest of the ASPS while the location settings tab is open. I've tried emailing the creator but I've got a feeling this software isn't supported anymore, which is a shame.

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7 minutes ago, stash_old said:

Funny it doesn't seem to effect APT when it calls ASPS so it sounds like an GUI problem. Have you tried using the location settings in ASPS and then hit the "Get from Mount" after EQMOD is loaded ?

Hi, I've tried that while EQMOD is active yes, but I'll double check it later.

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Forgot this email I sent this in April - I didn't get a reply so the Location / Get Mount didn't work either  ?

Fri, 27 Apr, 15:39
to info
Sorry for the intrusion but I wondered if you could shed some light on the following problem.
When using ASPS (1.4) I cannot get the Location settings details to stay the same - i.e. I input my settings click OK but if I check them again the settings are not the settings I set. The same thing happens when I use my Ascom mount and click "get from mount".  The Latitude settings appears ok but the Longtitude settings insist on being set to E 002 blank 00. I have run  ASPS as "administrator" (Windows 10 and Vista both have the same outcome) but still has the problem.
Question does ASPS store he saved location settings(after clicking OK) or are you supposed to re-input the settings each time you load ASPS?
Again sorry for the intrusion !!!!!
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18 hours ago, cuivenion said:

longitude keeps changing. Every time I go into the settings to change it back it changes again as soon as I press OK.

I tried to reproduce your problem on my computer. My stand alone asps location settings was empty as i use it under apt, so I inserted numbers Ike: 10 9 8 in the latitude coordinates and 7 7 7 in the longitude. When i hit ok and go back  to the location settings the longitude becones: 007 07 06. 

But if i enter my correct coordinates it keeps it unchanged. 

Can you post a screenshot of your location settings? I know it's not a proper solution, but If your asps is behaving like i said above there is a way to trick it into the right coordinates and maybe it will work.. For instance with the coordinates i tried, if i wanted the longitude to be 7 7 7 i have to enter 7 7 8 and it will decrease the last digit.  Could you try it and see if works? 





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5 hours ago, Atreta said:

I tried to reproduce your problem on my computer. My stand alone asps location settings was empty as i use it under apt, so I inserted numbers Ike: 10 9 8 in the latitude coordinates and 7 7 7 in the longitude. When i hit ok and go back  to the location settings the longitude becones: 007 07 06. 

But if i enter my correct coordinates it keeps it unchanged. 

Can you post a screenshot of your location settings? I know it's not a proper solution, but If your asps is behaving like i said above there is a way to trick it into the right coordinates and maybe it will work.. For instance with the coordinates i tried, if i wanted the longitude to be 7 7 7 i have to enter 7 7 8 and it will decrease the last digit.  Could you try it and see if works? 





Hi, yep thats whats causing the problem. Good suggestion for a work around, unfortunately its doesn't work, at least in the simulator. As soon as you press OK in the location settings it freezes the mount.

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