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A Windows 7 Pelican in Ha

Steve 1962

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I've been successfully running my observatory with a five year old laptop for a few years and, when Windows 10 was launched,  I auto-upgraded it from W7 to W10.


I had continuous driver problems, updates restarting the computer in the middle of imaging sessions, it didn't like Per's 10u ASCOM driver particularly and it was so SSSSSSSSLLLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWW. The main problem was that the problems were inconsistent and sporadic. Clear nights would invariably find me cursing and fuming about Microsoft rather than imaging. I tried everything and even started to doubt the camera, filter wheel and mount - but it was just awful.

I got to the point where I was so frustrated that I started to think about jacking the whole AP thing in. Anyway, before selling my be-loved kit I took a deep breath and "downgraded" back to W7 with all that  entails. I finally got a free night with no cloud  on Tuesday.....and for the first time since going to W10, I had a problem free night...until the un-forecast (is that a word??) fog rolled in.

This was the result:


It's 6 x 30 min subs using an Atik 460ex through a TAK FSQ106ED @f3.6 and a 3nm Chroma Ha filter mounted on a 10u GM1000HPS. Acquired in SGPro and guided in PHD2. (yes, I do know that the mount is capable of running un guided - but I like the reassurance of a nice graph to watch how my 30 min subs are going). It was quickly processed in PI with no calibration frames.

Oiii will follow next clear night.

I'm feeling quite pleased with it - so I don't think I'm ready to sell the kit just yet.....or go back to W10!

Happy days (nights!)


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Very nice, Steve, and glad you have solved your issues.

I resisted the W10 route for a long time, but needed a new laptop and wanted to go down the SSL route. I was advised that putting one of those in a W7 machine would be like driving a ferrari with the brakes on (that may have just been sales hype!). I still think my best decision was to not give it an internet connection. It can't update W10, I have installed programs that I know work and they can't automatically update either. Control is retained exactly where it belongs ... with me.

Sorry, went on a bit of a rant there.  Anyway, that is great detail for 3 hours. Those 3nm filters certainly do the business.

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Thanks @Demonperformer! Pleased you like the image. Yup - I'm very happy with the Chroma filters. I'm a bit surprised at how few people seem to use them to be honest.

I think my problems were down to W10 running on old hardware, and I'm pretty sure that  all would have been ok with a new laptop - but I just didn't want to send the ££ - so it's probably  my doing really.


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16 hours ago, Steve 1962 said:

I think my problems were down to W10 running on old hardware, and I'm pretty sure that  all would have been ok with a new laptop - but I just didn't want to send the ££

Yes. Today there seems to be some sort of arms race between having to buy new software to run on the hardware and new hardware to run the new software. Talk about a throwaway society.

This is why a purchased a refurbished W10 machine that never has and never will go anywhere near the internet. I copied the programs I need onto it via usb drive and that is it. I guess I won't have to worry about anything now until either the machine itself dies or my camera dies and I can't get one that won't run on W10 without updates. And I see no reason why both of them shouldn't outlive me.

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Great image!

My obsy computer is also still running W7 and i will never upgrade it. My approach would be to buy / get another computer and try to set it up along side the old one (not parallel usage though) so if i struggle too much, i can always switch back to the old one and use the clear nights. Eventually probably W7 will have to die, but as i never update anything on that computer and don't require any new software to work on that thing, it should last many years still.

Kind regards, Graem

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