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EQ5 pro goto

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Last couple of times I have used this when aligning stars when just tapping the right key to refine the alignment it drifts for a couple of seconds, all the other buttons I just tap mount moves a tiny bit then that`s it. When I then view objects they are well over to the left and I have to drag them back in and as I go around the sky it gets worse to the point the objects are way out of the FOV.  

This has now got to the point that when I go for objects I have not seen before I dont know if they are in the FOV I.E doubles I went for Neptune last night and could not see it.

Any help appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I am new member from Poland, and my English is not very well. Sorry! But I hope You shall me understand. I need help with my SynScan WiFi, I bought them from FLO/England, and in the Instruction is written, IP and Port 11880. I have smartfon Android with two App: SynScanPro and SkySafari6. My telescope is Sky Watcher EQ-5 SynScan. Three days I tried to connect my SynScan Wifi with one or second App, but without result. I don't understand why. In App SynScanPro in configuration of WiFi is not active, I can nothing do to change par example IP or Port. In SkySafari is this possible - but when I use IP and Port from the instruction I receive Information that I must give appropriate IP. I shall be very happy, when one of the experienced Members help me to solve my problem (step by step). In YouTube is not explained in details conection smartfon with SynScan WiFi. 

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Hi Edith, welcome to SGL.

Can you confirm that you are switching the mount on and connecting your phone to the mount's Wifi network “SynScan_WiFi_####” and not to your home Wifi network.

Once your phone is connected to “SynScan_WiFi_####” open the Synscan app and tap "Connect" and  you should have access to your settings.

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Hi L...., Yes, I am sure, that I have connection with "SynScan_WiFi_####, but the information is: connected, but not internet. I oppened SynScan app, taped "Connect" and the message was: device not found. I have free version of SynScanPro - I  have not found  version to buy. Is it possible that it is a stripped version, and that's why the Wifi bar is not active? Thank You  for being interested in my problem. Edith

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19 minutes ago, Edith said:

Hi L...., Yes, I am sure, that I have connection with "SynScan_WiFi_####, but the information is: connected, but not internet. I oppened SynScan app, taped "Connect" and the message was: device not found. I have free version of SynScanPro - I  have not found  version to buy. Is it possible that it is a stripped version, and that's why the Wifi bar is not active? Thank You  for being interested in my problem. Edith

There is no paid for version of the SynScanPro app - it is free and fully functioning.

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Aha! Then I don't know, what I shall do!!!! I need Tutor, to tell me step by step what I must do, to connect my smarthfon (with app SynScan or SkySafari6) with mount SynScan WiFi.  Thanks for help anyone....

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