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With grateful thanks to DRT Courier Services!


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DRT Couriers are a relatively new outfit, but they do deliver a wonderful service. Infact the owner personally delivered my GP-DX and pillar mount recently, albeit handed over in a rather shady looking deal by the recycling bins in a Morrison’s Carpark ;)

More seriously, I am very grateful to Derek for collecting this kit and bringing it down to me on one of his trips south. You are a gentleman Sir.

Tonight was the first time I got to play with this, along with another new toy I have, an Intes Micro M715 Deluxe. I acquired this in excellent condition from a very nice chap a week or so ago. It is a 178mm Mak, f15 with 1/8th optics measured for the total system not just the primary.

The GP-DX is fitted with the excellent SkySensor 2000 PC controller, which I hope to link up to SkySafari at some point with the right cable. Even as it is, it is a very easy unit to use. My biggest paranoia was getting the polarity of the power supply wrong, so checked and double checked this (centre negative), and all was well.

I didn’t have much time tonight as I have an early start, but even with no real polar alignment, after a couple of alignment points the gotos were reasonably accurate. I can do much better with it in future.

i just had a look at a few favourite globs (finding M92 after loosing it the other night ;)). Interesting comparison of M27 compared with the dob under darkish skies, very much an Apple core tonight vs a huge oval in the 14”.

Anyway, here is a picture of it in action. Plenty to be done before it is at its best I’m sure, but very nice views already.

To be continued.....


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Nice kit needs a safe pair of hands in transit - DRT sounds just the chap ! :icon_biggrin:

Nice stuff Stu. I'm enjoying my Vixen DX as well even though it just has the Skywatcher EQ5 dual drives rather than anything more sophisticated.

I'd love to have a look through the Intes Micro 715 DX sometime - they have a superb reputation as well. 6 inch apo refractor type performance I reckon but much more compact :icon_biggrin:

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It’s nice to have a big Mak back Jules, but I think I’ll stick with Stu after all my somewhat convoluted SGL names in the past :) 

@John this I actually the second time I’ve looked through it, the skies were better the first time and I was very impressed with the views, lovely contrast showing through. It needs collimating a tad I feel, plus I have yet to source a cable for the fan, which draws air across the boundary layer whilst also cooling the whole tube. Should make a difference to tube currents.

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I meant to add that I’m hopeful the GP-DX  can remain as a permanent feature on the pier, under a decent Telegizmo cover and other protection under that. The Skysensor will remember its alignment as long as the mount isn’t moved, so once I have a good alignment I can just start observing straight away with which ever scope I want (dob excluded of course ;) ), which will be great! 

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  • 2 months later...

I know this topic was originally about DRT Couriers and their wonderful service, but it seems like a good place for an update on the M715 Deluxe.

The focuser was frustrating me as it had a lot of backlash switching direction of travel which makes finding perfect focus very tricky and frustrating. Having been so pleased with the results from my OMC140, I thought it again worthwhile sending it off to Mr Reid for a once over so I know I'm getting the best out of it.

I trusted it to the Post Office Special Delivery, not cheap but seemed the safest option and with my legendary packaging it arrived safely.

Good reports so far, optically it seems very good. ES has made a new part to tighten up the backlash in the focuser, and is sorting the collimation. Also, the mirror in the diagonal was incorrectly placed which I think was causing some uneven illumination of the field.

For the return journey I am trying out a new outfit called Gavstar NightHawks who offer a very good service if booked in advance and can see very well in the dark apparently.

Just heard the scope is ready to come back, but is scheduled for collection on 10th December so will report back after that. Hopefully Es will get a chance to try it out in action before then as a little bonus :)

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