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Whats been your most dissapointing astronomical moment?


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So there I was with my trusty DSLR, I was up for a night of wide field imaging. I turned my lens towards M45 and all I could see were some douchbags in AUDI's hogging the passing lane. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M45_motorway

Bad jokes aside, I was pretty disappointed when I was young and my parents call me out to look at the auroras. I saw NOTHING. ZERO. BUPKISS. I'm still not sure if they we're just trolling me.

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As President of the University Astronomical society, taking over 60 people in a coach (all of whom had paid for the privilege) at 1am to the New Forest (dark sky site) to watch the Leonid Meteor shower of 1999. Possibility of a storm (as in 1966) was predicted. Come 2am when the radiant point was above the horizon, all we were treated to was clouds and rain. Rubbing salt into an already sore wound, was discovering the next day that there had been an abundance of fireballs.

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Most disapointing moment-

Setting up my new (2nd user) LX200 12" to find it no longer worked after sitting in my garage in its box for 7 months, did it work when i bought it? who knows. Most dissapointing for me but not so bad for BC&F hey.

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