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Going hyper-wide with the Tak


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I don't usually do this but just for kicks I put the 13mm Ethos into the Tak FC-100DL's diagonal and did some sky browsing. This combo delivers a true field nearly 1.5 degrees across but also 69x magnification.

With the pin sharp performance of the Tak this turned out to be a wonderful way to take in some of my favourite late Summer DSO's. The background sky seems really pitch black and objects such as the M31 group of galaxies, M81+82, the double cluster, the Dumbell and Ring Nebulae and many open clusters around Cassiopeia looked outstanding against that massive, immersive starfield. Is was easy to forget that I was "only" using a 10cm aperture scope - the contrast of these objects, which is already a refractor strength, was strongly amplified by the magnification. The views and image scale were more like what I was used to from my much larger aperture dob.

I did switch to a more "sensible" field of view to observe Mars. The Southern polar cap was well defined and the darker features, though still dust obscured to some extent were presenting a mottled look to the southern hemisphere of the planet. Also has a peek at Neptune before going back to the wide open Ethos views panning along the spine of Cygnus.

Very enjoyable session which finished with another look at Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, now well into the heart of Auriga and a mere 60 million km away. I can see that the 100 degree eyepieces will be meeting the Tak more often as the dark nights return :smiley:



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Nice report John ? I have found similar enjoyment with the 17mm Morpheus and the TAK, the combination works very well with clusters etc delivering some lovely contrasting star colours. Despite my best efforts I failed to stay awake last night but I believe it was quite clear after 1.00am.

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Well we were in luck in Northampton last night with some lovely clear skies ? in fact I would go as far as to say the skies were the clearest I have seen in some time. It was good to see Orion back and to have a pop at the trapezium, the TOE 4mm gave some great views of this little collection of stars. 

A lovely thin slice of the Moon appeared around about 3am in the N/E skies with Mercury not so far behind. I used the 17mm Morpheus for most of the night just looking at clusters and groups of stars, both the pliaides and the double cluster were stunning examples. The more I use this eyepiece the more I like it  ?

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