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More science news, Black Holes this time...


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Provided the beam of light did not cross the event horizon it would be red shifted & deflected by its close encounter with the black hole but would live to tell the tale , so to speak.

Of course if it crossed the EH, game over, from our point of view anyway.,

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26 minutes ago, lenscap said:

Provided the beam of light did not cross the event horizon it would be red shifted & deflected by its close encounter with the black hole but would live to tell the tale , so to speak.

Of course if it crossed the EH, game over, from our point of view anyway.,

True. I saw a tv show called "10 ways the Earth will end". One was being swallowed by a BH. It wasnt too scarey until the last few moments. Crossing into the EH is indeed "End Game".

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