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......And a stroke of luck ?

Ive been building some furniture this afternoon out of sleepers, and my Strathspey Marine 10x50s have been tripod mounted, just in case there's any action outside?
With the work done, complete, tidied,  Ive literally just been out in the last few minutes and have managed to get the best image of Polaris with the 10x50's and  the only difference tonight is that Im using my prescriptions, and the image is sharper, much sharper! ( must be an age thing! )

I then ask Mrs Charic to come take a look, and after building a little ramp for her to reach the binoculars she could clearly see the Pole Star, possibly a first, then an airliner passed by, so she was able to visually see the navigation lights as the jet flew away into the distance, then she went for a cup of Tea, I took a peek out the front door, and there's the ISS (International Space Station,  gliding by, and finally a glimpse of the Moon through the trees!

Not the best session in the World, but that fact that Mrs 'C' was even interested, and came right out was alarming! and that all this took place within a few  short minutes.
She did ask if anybody was on board the ISS and I said yes, probably about 5 folk!
Having just checked, its normal manned by a permanent Three, but during crew changes and visits, there could between six and ten lucky folk up there.

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There have been various occasions where I have pointed to something in the sky and told a friend or family member ""that's Juliter" or "that's Venus" or similar. It is often met with indifference. 

"That's the International Space Station" seems to attract a more enthusiastic response from almost everyone. Perhaps it is just easier of people to relate to?

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Most things astronomical are far too much even for me to comprehend, never mind the friend/guests. 

Such as, the light from M31,   that I'm seeing today,  left M31 before the Dinosaurs roamed the Earth, now that's just crazy!

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