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Astro Pixel Processing


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Only just found this app.

Some  on here have positive views, but having downloaded the trial I am a bit deflated, for the price I would expect a lot more user info.

Tried to do a LRGB combination but ended up with a Grayscale integrated image, and can't find any tutorials to help me find what I am doing wrong.

Any help appreciated.








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Hi Dave,

I use APP and really rate it. But like all software, it takes some getting used to. Sara (swag72 on this forum) has compiled some really great tutorials using APP. I've added two tutorials, which should get you on your way.





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Had another go this morning and found out where I was going wrong.  Bottom line is it does seem to bring out more detail.

Here is a comparison the same original data, one completely pre-processed and integrated using Pixinsight and one pre-processed and integrated in APP.

Both were then further processed in PI and PS.


PI only



APP and PI


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  • 1 month later...

I just recently spent some time writing a tutorial for processing a bi-color image in APP. Here's a link. I find that it's way easier, and produces really good results without a lot of effort as far as integration and calibration go. I also find it's light pollution removal feature hands down better than Pi. All that said, Pi has some very nuanced features that cover modifying your images in ways APP just isn't up to par with...yet. I like to do all preprocessing in APP, then touch up in PI and Photoshop.

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On 15/09/2018 at 04:51, Lead_weight said:

I just recently spent some time writing a tutorial for processing a bi-color image in APP. Here's a link. I find that it's way easier, and produces really good results without a lot of effort as far as integration and calibration go. I also find it's light pollution removal feature hands down better than Pi. All that said, Pi has some very nuanced features that cover modifying your images in ways APP just isn't up to par with...yet. I like to do all preprocessing in APP, then touch up in PI and Photoshop.


nice tutorial! Have had APP for a while, but due to illness haven't had the ability to get data to process.....and hence learn the program. Tutorials like these really help.

Written tutorials, I find, are much easier to follow than videos...



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