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sgp and usb over lan

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hi been having a few lockups with sgp when downloading images or plate solving images just says downloading and nothing happens,changed usb to atik camera and lan cable to cat 6 and still same now and again using the startech lan over usb transmitter and receiver,also have my guide cam filter wheel and qhy5 guide cam,suspect the startech is only a usb 2 ,and they now have a usb 3 available now could this be the problem any advice welcome as always cheers

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The Atik is USB2 so the Startech not being USB3 isn't a problem.

USB3 hubs/devices have separate USB3 and USB2 connections so using a USB2 device on a USB3 hub it will just work at USB2 speeds. Any USB3 device connected to the hub will use the hubs separate USB3 connection so there should be no usb3 /usb2 speed conflict. USB3 cables have 9 pins, 4 to carry USB2 and the other 5 for USB3.

What length is the indoors USB2 cable from your PC to the Startech 'receiver' end, and is it a good quality cable. This one carries the combined traffic of all the USB devices attached to the Startech so will be working at its limit when downloading from the Atik. The shorter the cable the better. The guide camera may also try to download an image at the same time putting a bigger 'strain' on the combined USB connection. Are you using PHD2? Does PHD give any messages about the guide camera being unresponsive at any time, which would suggest a bottleneck.


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I assume your Cat5 or Cat6 cable length is well within the maximum limit recommended by Startech. 40m for Cat5 and 50m for Cat6. Is it a single cable or are there any junctions along its length.


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25 minutes ago, symmetal said:

The Atik is USB2 so the Startech not being USB3 isn't a problem.

USB3 hubs/devices have separate USB3 and USB2 connections so using a USB2 device on a USB3 hub it will just work at USB2 speeds. Any USB3 device connected to the hub will use the hubs separate USB3 connection so there should be no usb3 /usb2 speed conflict. USB3 cables have 9 pins, 4 to carry USB2 and the other 5 for USB3.

What length is the indoors USB2 cable from your PC to the Startech 'receiver' end, and is it a good quality cable. This one carries the combined traffic of all the USB devices attached to the Startech so will be working at its limit when downloading from the Atik. The shorter the cable the better. The guide camera may also try to download an image at the same time putting a bigger 'strain' on the combined USB connection. Are you using PHD2? Does PHD give any messages about the guide camera being unresponsive at any time, which would suggest a bottleneck.


the cat 6 cable is 20m ,the cable from pc to receiver is about 300mm that came with the startech,sgp is stuck on downloading ,is there a log for sgp that might give me a clue,thanks

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8 minutes ago, symmetal said:

The SGP logfile is located by default in C:\Users\USERNAME\Appdata\Local\SequenceGenerator


thanks alan might be worth getting next time it happens,might mean something to someone?

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The logfiles from your past nights should still be there as it starts a new logfile each time you start SGP. The logfile name is the date/time SGP was started. Might be worth a look at them. Each command and result from  SGP is logged with the date/time it happens.


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iwols, have you done a test run with SGP and your setup during the day just downloading from the Atik every minute or so with and without the guider running to see if the problem still occurs. If you have a laptop you could also try it with the laptop by your rig to eliminate the Startech connection. It's a pity to waste dark time chasing faults if it can be done during the day. ?

The Atik has a mini USB connector which isn't very robust. Is the cable tied to the camera with a tie-wrap or similar so that the connector doesn't move around while you're slewing or tracking which could cause a connection dropout.


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At 22:23:25.210 is where it reports an ASCOM Camera Error right after it had set the readout speed to normal. I assume you have the 'Use High Speed Download' option ticked on the 'Camera' tab in 'Control Panel' to speed up focusing and plate solves. It had just finished autofocusing when the error occured.

It appears to recover but 30s later it reports 'Entering super dangerous loop to await image completion...'. You then appear to have shut it down.

It may be a coincidence but have you tried turning off the High Speed Download option and see if the problem still occurs. 


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