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A small leap up the learning curve


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On a dismal note - the fundamental rule of guiding is, if it works one night you can be sure it wont the next! Lets hope you break the rule.

Nope the rule is correct :crybaby: just wasted a clear night trying to get things working again. Ah well, maybe next time!


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Only just spotted this Helen. 4min at F10 ( I must echo everyone else) is a significant landmark. Things might not always work as sweetly (balance polar alignment cables tied up nicely) but you know that it works. Excellent stars for that focal length and a superb apporach to winter!


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Thanks Ant. I was on a high after the 4 minutes (although I don't think my parents quite understood to significance when I was enthusing to them on the weekend :) ). Last night reminded me that there's stilla lot to master! Last night would have been great imaging, if only...

I'm hoping for a couple of hours early on tonight just to get it all running again and try and isolate issues - I changed too many things at once last night in my haste and so didn't bottom out what was causing the problem. I got one nearly proper shot and then it clouded over :D so as it was 11 I packed up, only to find once I'd packed that the cloud had completely passed and it was sparkly again - ho hum!

If it was easy it wouldn't have the same buzz when it goes right!

Onwards and upwards....


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I decided to switch the camera/guider around as I thought I'd do some wide field in Ha with the ZS66 (been dying to do this for ages!). I then couldn't get a picture of anything on screeen, and because I've not used this combination before I had no idea where the focus point might be and so couldn't tell whether it was a camera/connection problem, or an Astroart problem, or as I first assumed just I was way out of focus. So I played with focus for a long time (in and out of the warm room focussing the ZS66 - is there a way of automating this??) before switching the cameras around, the cables around, and rebooting AA. It did then start to work. I got one half decent shot (except the camera slipped a bit on that :D ) and then the cloud rolled in :lol: .

On reflection, I think it might have been a USB connection problem. I have two USB leads and in an attempt to tidy the cabling up on the weekend I swapped them around. I'd tested that cable with the Toucam and it was fine, but I think the SX is more sensitive to USB problems. It wasn't clear last night by the time I could go out, but I'm going to do some testing today/tomorrow in the light. Maybe get a chance in the dark tomorrow too.

I got frustrated Tuesday because it was a lovely night and I felt that I wasted it - I think I should have quit while it wasn't working, and just gone visual and enjoyed :) But never mind! I've also decided to get my Megrez 90 set up in the Obs so that its easy to grab and go for visual - hopefully will allow the best of both worlds when the imaging is going well! or at least consolation when its not!!


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