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Round here even the builders merchants are selling the big stuff. Talk about money going up in smoke. As for H&S no-one seems bothered. I lost interest when they banned my favourite firework - the aeroplane (which actually did a helicopter in any direction it fancied and cost 4d) some 40 years back.

The modern stuff is much more dangerous than that - especially if you are under it when it comes down. Only one bloke has a show near us - the bloke with the outside lights. He moves his horses off site, shuts his (ever barking) dogs up somewhere and blasts away - with no thought for anyone else's horses dogs and cats.

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When the Lights are swithed on in Blackpool we have them, then every weekend for 4 weeks during September as it's the annual international Firework display competion. Then when the lights are switched off, then New Years Eve. And sometimes for any excuse. Also there are a number of places that sell the discounted fireworks.

Personally unless they are an organized display I hate them :)

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They ought to ban the bleddy things, except if it is an organised event.

I don't understand why people want to fritter away good money on such useless articles.

It is not as if they are cheap either.I wonder how many kids will be burned, or even lose an eye this year.

Ron. :)

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You wouldn't believe what it's like where i live. The Indian festival of light 'Diwali' is coming up and the part of London i live in has the highest amount of Hindus in the UK, something like 38% of the population. These guys liight up the sky like there is no tomorrow.

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I've just noticed that our local Tesco's will be selling fireworks until Nov 10th !! They should only be allowed to sell them for a week before fireworks night...the local idiots around here have been setting them off for over a week now :) and our poor cats and dogs are nervous wrecks already.

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I've just noticed that our local Tesco's will be selling fireworks until Nov 10th !! They should only be allowed to sell them for a week before fireworks night...the local idiots around here have been setting them off for over a week now :D and our poor cats and dogs are nervous wrecks already.

We have a whole nation full of Morons when it comes to this juvenile activity. They care little or nothing for the hundreds of terrified animals, and the elderly too.

I know it is a celebration of a long gone historical event, but it should be celebrated for two days and no longer. If the persistent pillocks want loud bangs, why don't they join up, they will get to here some very loud bangs then.

Ron. :)

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The worst part about the weeks around firework night was having to walk my gundogs as they used to get frustrated as every bang they associated with a hunt and retrieve... would be happy as larry walking the streets on the leash with the bangs going off as they knew they had to wait to be released before a retrieve...

Flashes bangs tails wagging but lots of un-educated looks of derision for havign animals out amongst the noise...

Must admit I like them myself but we have a family background in blasting as my grandad used to hold the equipment for the quarry behind us....


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